Sunday, January 29, 2006


it's been a while, but there have been a few outbursts i've been wanting to make.. only i'm so incredibly swamped by uni tasks for the next 10 days, i'll keep this brief -

1. under the MLC centre, their food court, there is one italian cafe, and it has THE BEST pumpkin gnocchi I have ever tasted, in fact, the best gnocchi i've ever tasted, IN FACT, the best italian I have ever ever tasted. Ever. I am serious. You might say my standards are low, but that $8 tastes way better than any $60 i've spent on whateverwhateveritalianowherever. Hands down, no objections. Now, i only wonder if they keep that standard. So now you know how you can bribe me.. actually i shouldn't say that and degrade my moral stature.. but you do know where I'll never refuse you for lunch

2. The bath bomb holly and i fondly refer to as Fat Carol i finally used about 5 days ago. It was the lavender glitter-packed xmas edition one from lush. Anyhow, sometimes I still see bits of glitter one me despite the showers, the clothes changing and sweating.. ew ew i know hey, i like glitter.. it's so teenage-y and old-times like. oh, there's something fun about using a glitterbug and then seeing a trail of it all over your friends and they're property.. yes a pest to them perhaps, but it's worth my amusement c'est nes pas (rhetorical)

3. Do NOT go to the sauna and then jump in the pool. Please. It's for your own *safety*. Mike and his friends, *shakes head* here's speaking to you. You sweat and open all your pores in the heat - then you take nice shower to rinse off. You don't jump into a chlorine/salt.. germ.. water that has touched everyone's nether region.. pool and expose your defenceless skin to such irreparable damage. If anyone pushes me in the pool after sauna/steam room, they are disowned as a friend. No appeals, no reconsiderations, even pumpkin gnocchi cannot save you. Oh, if you do it all the time, go ahead, maybe you're immune. And it's not like i have nice skin, on the contrary, but i don't need further reasons to break out in rash.

I still remember in november when i broke out in rash - i thought i'd never recover. it was winter and i had to try and sleep with a cold+damp silk scark on my belly where the rash was. It was cold. And i couldn't move. but buu, i complain of a lot of things, but i'm easily ill-taken..

recent ailment has been stress. since the usyd fiasco, i can just feel stress. it's almost like i can make my heart skip a beat - so that is why i've been scarce.

But happy new year - see you all in February.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


Firstly, happy birthday Will, and happy birthday Viv~

It's been a contemplative week. Friday we went and ate some spanish food which was lovely but perhaps not quite my taste. Although previously i had some good ol' tom kha soup but it tasted like vinegar. I've been picky and haven't found too many things that i want to eat. so please don't give me a choice - i can't decide.

and i think i may have offended people by saying that the sounded Bi.. perhaps I should have used the word femininely - in attitude. No one else things that so i stand alone. it's all interesing.

Then after, and Jim berated me for my organising skills - but i can't help it if people don't want to spend time with me - Wen and I joined them at viv's karaoke. which had it's moments. mainly tessa and pat were being excessively loud. and the boys did a terrible job of showing me how to play dice - terrible because i have no idea how to play and they didn't explain at all.

and so it goes on. mostly people were same old same old. mike yawned a lot. And wendy and I were attracting weird attention from old men. I was wearing my green le chat t-shirt with the ink blot cat design and this.. waiter at the restaurante said to me "OH that's a nice pussy -cat" and i could feel wendy's open mouthed pointing and laughing. and you know, more of those sort of moments.

then on sussex st, jim, phil and bunko was bagging out this badly designed lancer. it's so terrible even i'm speechless. even worse for it it was parked between an e-class and one of those nissan things. and jim was saying how the guy, who compared to jim is nipple lactating height and fugly would drive around at 2 -3 am and pick the most drunk people resembling female. or something to that effect. i think i like my sheltered world.

meanwhile - referring to the title of my post, I had a really long dream and I think everyone I know was in it and we'd gone someplace like europe or canada, living in a huge archaic dormitory type place. I mostly remember seeing people i didn't like and finding myself being forced to help them out while trying to escape with bubblier people. And e.g. they were wondering why i was helping those others out anyway - well because firstly, they were unavoidable in the corridors (incredibly frightening) and i delegated as much tasks as i could.. and the delegatees would be found out to be forgivingly incompetent. Yes, *nods*, it's my mean streak - but really, i'm sorry I stay well away from you if you cause me pain. and one day, i might get over it.

anyway some of my whingey conversations of late really reasonated - and i agree but i need to change my environment a little bit. job seeking here i come.. again. *skips away to find herseys chocolate*

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


it's been a fairly aggravating week. (okay, so i've been edgy) I hope the usyd fiasco is solved 100%.

lately,there is one individual who i feel is increasingly exuding stalker vibes. you know the usual confident asian guy who talks really loudly about nothing interesting, stands expectantly in my silence and expects..-shrug-. I got goosebumps even recollecting the thought. he's probably just nice, but gets on my nerves. but seriously if he opts to be in my group for group work and things, i hope it's not just to annoy me. he said something to me today and i gave the i'm-tired-and-spaced-out *blink* and he grinned and blinked right back. *Eyahh* "Get away! away!" joyce sobs mentally, "why must you annoy me so~"

And contrary to what yoy make think, i have considered the possibility he is just like that. yup. he is. just a catalyst that triggers a need to get fresh air over *there*. let's hope i never mention this again. that's another person for me to avoid at UTS, making a total of 4.

then after class today i went home and stopped at coles to grab some things. i'm walking along clutching a bag with mac and books, and bags of shopping when a car drives by and i hear a muffled "Miss!-I'm-*blah**blah*canigetyourphoto" and then there was a flash that had me blinking like a nocturnal animal about to meet doom. truly bizarre. for a moment i feared my dress was caught in my underwear or something - not that you'd think that's possible with an ankle length skirt but holding all those bags you never know.

*gives the sleepy-i'm-spaced-out blink*
*wanders off to snooze til well past day break*

Sunday, January 15, 2006


mental note: uni summer commitments are pressing.
and check library fines.

friday it was emma's farewell. I don't have much to say about that, except I had a great time absent mindedly nibbling on edamame. Judy, loksee and I managed to order comprehensively. Thus, I ate so much. The tuna was terrible beyond complaint - but it all looked decoratively great. Unrelated, I felt utmost satisfaction when i stuck a HUGE piece of karage on loksee's plate. (Hu hu hu) *winks* I don't recall the motivation for that action but i'm sure at the time it made sense.

what else did we do? we were put to shame looking through Clement Art's brochure. A six year old can draw better than I can - but that is a good thing, i'll just pretend i have mastered impressionism or abstract or cubism. judy also put self-re-lighting candles on em's cake and watching the ... gravity bound vapour falling on the cake when the candles relit themselves was totally worth it. *laughs* (small thrills, wakeru ga mo ii no da *winks*)

Then wen, loks and I attended to bier in der bavarian bier cafe on York. The music was soo for Gen-Y. reminiscence max - and I am talking about music we would have grown up since the age of 3. the place is good because you can actually talk to people and it was spacious. The architecture lacks creativity - but hey it was oddly comfortable. Although the comfort was destroyed when a Finnish man was too free with his company.

friday late night - i was feeling miserable. didn't really want to reassess my life but somethings are absent other possible ways to infer. constructive notices every where.

saturday i woke up late and got a lift to Blakes. Happy Birthday Blake!~ It was another amazingly good time. I sat musing at other people's conversation because it was too deep for me. I have every reason to know I'm pretty boring - but that's a good thing for everyone else, because i laughed long and hard at a lot of things. But for my cat pillow Gon i wasn't all that prepared for a sleep over. as a general thing - it's plainly obvious i've been half hearted about any thing these days.

(mike just berated me for eating 8 ferrero roches. that's what i get for being supportive of his chips binging.)


Then today i came home. listened to sooky songs that i like. and Wen came and visited me. A visitor~~ yay~. this is the third surprise visit (less than an hour's notice = surprise) i've had that have come at moments to make my day. we chatted about some serious and unpleasant things, but it's those conversations that make things seem okay and reasonable and plain again.

In fact the theme briefly raised at blakes was reitered here. My question was, what is the best way one breaks away from another. It was suggested that one *must* use the incantation "It's not you, it's me" *laughs*, otherwise cheat or otherwise annoy them til they leave one and be guilt-free. hrm.

I think about all this in a reflective tone - i hadn't felt up for anything in quite a while. *shakes head* i dunno why that is so. Hence on friday night, after I meet up with some people, i think we should hit a comfy bar and buy a few rounds. *nods*

oh - at blake's we may punch with pineapple juice (1L) peach schnapps (250ml) absolut raspberry (200ml) malibu (200ml) bacardi (200ml) more vodka (100ml) orange juice (1L). It was smashing. But this recipe isnt strict because we were saying 'more OJ' and nat poured more schapps and some one was quite free in his dispensation of vodka. It tasted like pine+OJ+raspberry punch and non-alcoholic. Smashing indeed.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

weight a sec

mm. *frown*

Sunday, January 08, 2006


Happy Birthday Loxi!

today we went to marigold for yum cha to celebrate loxi's (upcoming) birthday. keeping in mind i had arranged to swim at
mike's place at 2:30, i thought i shouldn't eat too much - but lo, i really did eat more than my share and became ridiculously full. And i make a special note that the air-condititioning in the place got excessively cold towards 2pm.

Despite how mike noted on his blog that we were floating around - i make a note that I did swim a few laps and found it was possible to swim 25m with one breath. Then we hit the sauna and it wasn't too bad. I poured lots of water on the coals because I like *grins* and tian kept mentioning "heatwave" but i didn't feel the wave *looks around* but sweating enough we departed. Yes, there were korean guys teaching the girls to swim but some of the girls swam fine.. so *shrug*

*joyce skips away*

Friday, January 06, 2006


I'm making the effort and putting up some pictures. At the moment I regret that I haven't been in a good mood. All this dwadling with only Legal Accounting to do. Oh save me now~

These are some photos from New Year Eve's Day and generally of my friends up to their no good antics. I gave them notice that I was putting these up and since I have no heard any dissent here they are. You may also click on the badge of photos bottom right to see those few things I've put up. Quite frankly, photos just tend to be too embarassing. *winces*

Here we go:
(1) There's the pretty pool I spoke of

(2) There are some of the boys doing .. what boys do.. I think.. *laughs*

pool fight

pool fight
(3) Here we all are

bunch of people

The photos should always be viewed at that sort of size by the way. *nods*

I'm going to wander in my own thoughts now. If you have chocolate.. send it my way.. *waves*

Monday, January 02, 2006


*waves* I hope you're well and that the eccentric mood New Years incited in everyone is slowly cleansed off. Ah, the significance we put in counting the days on the calendar. It amuses me.

Meanwhile, I haven't thought of any resolutions. (none that I could stick to anyway - but admittedly the thought hasn't been too serious on my part), so if you have some suggestions that are not too offensive that you think i should apply myself to - let me know. (warning: this is not a licence for you to say absolutely anything and I disclaim any liability if you incur my wrath afterwards or otherwise).

New years eve was spent relaxing at wendy's. *three cheers for wendy*. The highlight was seeing Wendy, Donna, Loxi, Pete, Wen's peter, William, Carl, Lachlan and Minx. We managed to teach Carl some water skills, float absentmindedly in the pool waiting, just waiting, for someone to look out and wonder what so many immobile half sinking bodies were doing (but no one cared! buu.. we couldn't been face down in the water and they would not have known). I have some great pictures of the boys stradding each other in a biatch fight. They were hilarious and slapping each other like girls.

There were lots of vegging out and then they decided to make an effort and try to see some fireworks. Cruising around at 11:30 pm meant that we weren't anticipating to get all that close - but loxi, wen and I recollected our great cross-country running around the park near nsb and so we went there to feed mosquitoes and see some sky popping fizzy lights. In cross-country we walked and avoided doing laps as much as possible. It was so incredibly crazy. Then we started remembering other crazy things about school.. like how the D&T staff room was like.. a closet of teachers.. oh it's all so amusing~

Prior to this, we had to go to pete's house to fetch some board games and so I drove donna home on the way and we went briefly on a drive. And, the boys in the car were horrified with my driving capacity. You kinda get the idea when you have someone telling you the light is red. I mean, yes i noticed that. and okay, i brake late (hence previous accident). And i don't visibly check blind spots (as in i do check them, though you may not notice.. at least.. i think i do). And i may sometimes not indicate when there is no one around to witness me indicating. And gabe was right about the pitch black road thing which I won't explain here because it may inspire people to do crazy things that are indeed incredibly stupid. Anyway i forget what i was saying.. but everyone so think about getting those hybrid cars.

And i painted a picture for you.

P.s. we were all asking wendy where we could drink the water from her fresh water pool. She gave it a moments thought and then replied "Well you could try. But the water has touched everyone's nether regions..." and then later we discussed those urine detecting inks which would be interesting.

P.p.s i feel inspired to repaint a wall or two and thus a shameless plug for Bio paints *yay*. I like! I like! *claps* I want people to come with me when i go shopping for ecologically friendly things, see you there! *winks* then we can go to campbell's cash and carry after. t'would be totally cool. *laughs*