Tuesday, February 28, 2006


sugar is good for me. I have decided. After class today I was so tired (and there was no workshop, so usually i would finish even later - at 9pm) nonetheless, i was so tired, i became aware that my eyes were starting to water as I was just talking to a friend. In fact they are watering now - it could be autumn hayfever?

Autumn : time of tartan upcoming.. (tomorrow?) hrm.

What else is new? I've relieved mike of his phone and am using it. He's informed me of nearly all the factory faults. But so far it hasn't done too much it shouldn't.. amusing me a little bit. Well until important people call me and then if i stuffs.. i shall be slightly prepared and vexed. maybe/likely.

Forgive the ramble, not much new has been going on. Seeing heaps of great people i missed over summer around again, and also exposed to those that i find are not so great. Being antagonised but generally in good spirits. It depends. Lacking sleep has made me moody. inconsistent feelings making me moody. The fact that my sister gave home stock of chocolate away caused pure distress. But swinging at such a trivial low point meant that obtaining macadamic ice cream milk shake and macca's fries from UTS pete, seeing syriana with loksee and mike, finding out jim is recovered from fever (howda heck d'yu get fever anyway? *quizzical look*), making anzac biscuits, walking with mooley (for 4 metres).. have been highlights. Oh, my dad's birthday also - though my household not big on birthdays.

So overall, small good things offset my woes (well - after i pay nrma's unprofessional lawyers their $400 then some woe will disappear) meanwhile.. all i can say - is glucose.

(i never claimed to be always rational. in fact i deny all) *wanders off to mingle in the land of zzZzZ*

Thursday, February 23, 2006


I have once again made it through another round of uni. Grades mostly less than expected - whoever said summer was easy must have a different attitude to life. But then again i think of people who i'm told have failed electives before - so it can happen - luckily for me it did not.

*shrug* Loksee, Wendy and I went to Bondi beach on Wednesday. We got the beachy *glow* which only lasts the day. Once again I got annoyed at my swimmers because they stretch in the water - not matter how tight you tie the top, it just does not like to resist waves. It was purchased in Germany and is of a popular European brand which i shan't mention - but if you look at Europeans at Bondi, they don't use swim wear. Therefore it all makes sense. They don't use swimwear - they don't make good swim wear - ta da~ no one wear swim wear. that sort of thing.

Wendy left some gossipy magazines for us to browse. What I got out of it was reading the Cleo-scope out-loud. They were terrible. *rolls eyes* if you want me to make up a horoscope for you, just let me know. I'll do what they do and just write something that has all bets hedged. E.g. You will balance your income with spending. *nods*. no income = no expenditure.

Speaking of which - i bought three pairs of shoes from Midas today because they're having a sale and further 20% off all items. As the sales girl put it $276 is only the price of one pair of shoes not on sale.

....... mm.. i think this is a sign i feel a lil down. just a lil..

Saturday, February 18, 2006


Recently greenpeace hosted a press conference reaffirming the dangers of using products with synthetic fragrances in them. They use the word phthalates, synthetic musks. These pose negative effects on our endocrine systems (the one that controles our bodies through hormones - so yes it's pretty important - particularly since hormones travel through our blood streams to different organs as required), la di da - .. i need not say more.

But the point like everything else we do, things tend to comply with industry and international standards, but it doesn't mean it's completely healthy for us or the environment. (yes I'm on my green streak today) So taking just pasting the list of those fragrances that over time are contributing to chemical build up in you -

Floral Dream (Adidas)
Agua Natural (Alqvimia)
She (Armani)
Hi Speed (Bogner)
BLV Notte Pour Homme (Bvlgari)
CK One (Calvin Klein)
Eternity for Men (Calvin Klein)
Eternity for Women (Calvin Klein)
Le Baiser Du Dragon (cartier)
Chance (Chanel)
NO. 5 (Chanel)
Celine Dion (Coty)
Poison (Dior)
Pure Poison (Dior)
Aigner in Leather (Etienne Aigner)
Him (FCUK)
Fiorucci Loves You (Fiorucci)
Vanderbilt Gloria (Vanderbilt)
Envy Me (Gucci)
Boss in Motion (Hugo Boss)
My Manifesto (Isabella Rossellini)
Classique (Jean Paul Gaultier)
NightLight (Joop!)
Miracle SO Magic (Lancome)
Iris Blue (Melvita)
Waterlove Man (MEXX)
Sunset (Naomi Campbelle)
XS Excess Pour Homme (Paco Rabanne)
Puma Jamaica Man (Puma)
Puma Woman (Puma)
Polo Blue (Ralph LAuren)
White Musk (The Body SHop)
True Star (Tommy Hilfiger)
Van Gils (Van Gils)
Cinema (Yves SAint Laurent)

But nothing is perfect. This doesn't stop me from using my Chanel 5 but I feel a little bit better about all the other fragrances i use and like. yippee.

Oh. and if you're wondering what's been happening with me lately - it hasn't been too pretty. Trying to organise my life for the year and it's been difficult. Keep getting sidetracked and distressed. It's only because I have too much free time.. and going into almost debt status. *crestfallen look*.

Oh but i realise there are just too many jobs out there I can do if i wasn't choosy - but - i sort of prefer jobs where people actually have ownership and take pride in what they're doing - as opposed to minimal responsibilities and being able to just turn up in pyjamas.. on a regular day .. though there may be pyjama days.. =_= yeah i got some twingy vibes because I was eyed like helpless fresh meat. I am sometimes hopeless.. but not helpless.. and acting blonde isn't good for my health - it takes too long to diffuse.. and i lose IQ. I'm meant to refrain.. though it is at times unstoppable.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


oppressive feeling.

*greetings* recently I went to grab some gnocchi with Loksee and (UTS) Pete but their standards have fallen - so last time, the great gnocchi was a fluke. tut tut. I was very disappointed - it didn't stop me from eating more than I could though.

Other than this, i've been staying home, washing dishes and laundry - all those things that I don't like to do. The only bonus is that I get to wake up late and I can wear my pyjamas all day and sleep at will. (the negative thing is that nothing is systematic any longer.) And i know it won't last - so why do i build these gruelling habits..

and the only other thing I can say is why are some cab drivers so dishonest.. or creepy. I had one lean over to stare me in the eyes and ask 'Are you Chinese' - i'm sorry, i did find that very scary - isn't it obvious.. what do I look like?

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

ice cream

Happy birthday Mike (happy buddha guy)! Let's go eat vegetarian one day. *nods*

It's always very entertaining to see some old taiwanese school friends. I find that we talk abou TV a lot. And Mike would sit there and stare at Martin and Chris with one of those parenting 'you-are-in-trouble' looks and there would be lots of finger pointing. A few highlights included seeing mike inflate a crocodile thing, chris being amused at a regular teapot (yes it was a regular teapot), mike announcing out of the blue he had funny photos of me, mike and two others doing the ...queer... mehehehe thing from 'the family guy' show, me holding the fried ice cream in my hand next to chris' face saying "Loooook, chris, looooook! pass it on!". Admittedly, that was a bit weird, but as soon as I saw it, I just wanted to pick it up. It was totally worth it - the shocked look of the other civil diners..

And mike over-ordered. I said I was full when the *chicken* came (the third of like twelve items) and everyone said "Chicken? where's the chicken? Joyce ate all the chicken") and then i had to correct and say... the *pork*... i suppose one's intelligence only matches those of the group. And I was sitting next to Chris! - and Jenny, which explains all the intelligence going to her side and not among us... hrm. The chicken was the last thing to come..

and i ate a really spicy mushroom..

Earlier in the day I had legal accounting exam and nothing really added up properly I fear. I tried and tried.. and i got.. *shudder* numbers.. - which itself is a good thing, but 599,134 or 599, 471 are weird numbers.. etc etc. I came out of that incredibly shocked.

I also saw sean today. we had arranged to have brunch which didn't really work out because he waited for me to 'announce' i was awake for brunch and i just waited for him to turn up. And i tried to catch some sleep since I couldn't sleep very well. I think I may be allergic to something in some medication.

I decided that raw tuna is bad.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Oh no! The one...

Yes, I broke the one key on my phone. "1" in case you don't understand. Slightly inconvenient. It means if your number has a 1 in it and is not on my phone, I can't call you. It would have been more amusing if it was any other key because then my sms would look strange.

*checks* yup the 1 key is definitely dead. eep.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


There we (loks, wen, pete and I) were having yum cha after an hour and 15 minutes of waiting, and we were talking heaps loudly about all things controversial and having fun taking our miscellaneous extreme points of view. Oh i have to mention while we were waiting outside there was another group of elder ladies with the CUTEST baby girl. *swoons* like it had such sweet and pretty features that you'd think would appear when they reach around 12 - 18 months, but it was probably around 4 or 5 months because it was tiny and couldn't sit up at all. LIke she'd sit there but was constantly leaning on whom supported her..

anyway that was a long totally unrelated spiel..

Yes, one of the stronger points i recall we talked about was why I hated cheaters. Like as if cheating itself isn't bad enough, a cheating idiot (male or female) exposes their significant other to being targeted with abuse and harm from the individual they pursue cheating with. Most reported cases I often find in the media is of men who cheat and their mistresses plots or successfully kill the gf, and sometimes them as well.

therefore if you are feeling misunderstood through moodswings or nagging, end the relationship and attempt to pursue change rather than be a philanderer, get incurable diseases or inadvertently recruit a psycho. One can always relate to the misunderstood and underappreciated, but never a two-timer (I mean - they can - but it's almost just as bad).

Also - i've noticed there's an increasing trend in terrible crimes..


Thursday, February 02, 2006


I have a feeling I could never donate blood. It's more the fact getting three small vials for medical testing is difficult enough, but donating a litre might take a while. The nurse said I had small veins and that she'd had to use a baby needle. and i can't tell you what a baby needle looks like because I wasn't looking. but owwee.. i have one of those spot bandaids on my arm *sniff* and i'm allergic to adhesives. but I think i'll be okay. *nods*

not much else i have to comment about except that now I think I know more American history than Australian history. That's likely to be an overstatement because otherwise I'd be conceding I learnt more history in one or two lectures than my life so far. Which would be strange. Anyhow, i've retrieved the outline of the history of China and may read that after forthcoming exams.