Saturday, March 25, 2006


Well this week i settled in to Mac U's City Office. I have seen one of the regulars who come to drink from our water-cooler. And I've been told that people come and sit in our office for lunch. mm.. I foresee that if that happens.. often, i might get annoyed (but that's not in the job description). So if anyone wants to visit me, yay~ Oh and bring me lunch please, there's not much to eat around here... buu..

The first day i went and got a burger from pavillion plaza. It was XL. I was tempted to go for the XXL one, but i was thoroughly warned against it. It's not that interesting - but i was sitting there with the top slice of burger and meat in one had and the bottom half of the burger and salad in the other.. and even those were almost too large for me to bite. It's not like a whopper which you can squish down and is wrapped in paper so you don't embarass yourself too much. Nonetheless I brought it upon myself and attracted some congratulatory remarks from strangers or something .. and maybe i put them off from ever trying the burger..

Then the other day i found the mini food court in town hall square.. and just got the normal box of rice with what not. But the boy that served me was really nice. Now, we get to the part where no one understands how i judge character.. See i didn't say he was hot or anything, in fact he's not dateable material at all. But some people just have that comfortable aura. Now that i come to think of it, this is the part where Jimbo will say "HA! girls don't want nice guys, they want the excitement those idiots".. so yes maybe.. well then maybe the nice guys attract the rebounding heartbroken people - anyway la di da that was totally tangential.

Monday - if someone wants to come, we could grab lunch from the QVB..?

Oh and out of le blau gabe rang me. To add to the surprise, the first call was "How do i catch a bus to city" and then hours later "How do i catch a bus to nth sydney..?"

The careers fair was totally discouraging. But it's hardly a reflection of the world. I obtained the whiteboard thingy that UTS pete requested.. and also a bottle of mentos.. and that's about it.

Back to work.. *waves*

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


*waves* Hi.. I know I made a representation that I'd *try* not to be negative in my posts here - but due to being greatly unimpressed and to the extent that I'm willing to take a loss and walk away - i'm generally not very happy.

People forget that they can make others unhappy. And that happiness is something that comes around. It's not ever present. I feel there are people who can't stand it when I'm not happy - because it annoys them, because they trivialise what I feel are greatly disadvantageous issues, like amounting work and stress. Does it have to be said that it doesn't assist at all..? There is no expectation that others can really provide any assistance but some people *shudder* *not helping not helping*

Anyway I have things to do to be back on track. I'll try to see you from time to time - hopefully all at once. Some people I don't mind never seeing ever again - but that's another story. It always is.

Sunday, March 19, 2006


*joyce pleads fatigue*

Very apologetic to miss karaoke but Mike assured me that you all had a very very wild night anyway. So i feel more sorry for myself for missing out.. maybe.. maybe not - i don't want jim to collect incident reports of when i KO.. (I heard there was no air conditioning! What??? *Joyce angry that the place sounds like they wanted to comatose her friends* or maybe they fear legionnaire's...)

I'll try to explain my exucse, and recruit as much sympathy as possible without whinging (and Holly glimpsed me around lunch time semi-comatose outside the library - *laughs* sorry for not responding.. but you came up and blurted all your words of lateness and said bye byee~ And all i could do was blink.. =_=~) - so this is witness proof that I'm more dazed than normal. Yes. If you find someone or thing sitting on random street corners - it could be I. mm.

Then i did 2.5 hours transcribing. Then I went off to my r are - personal friend type favour -moonlight catering job. It started at 5 in Strathfield, and was meant to fini at 9 - but fini at 10:45 / 11:00pm. Some people weren't pleasant. And caroline would shudder, but the catering fellow (who with a mention, makes caroline look quite ill-taken), he was introducing me to some people as his new GF. -pause- If you understand that as an offensive joke you can go up one step on the friend ladder. If you just laugh, *joyce demands ladder back to smite you with*.

Then I got back to central, obtained the car.. drove to sean's to have dinner at midnight.. And driving was so hazardous - i don't think i drive good.. *laughs*/*grimace*.. and they completely sealed a 4 lane exit.. which was bad .. and when i finally got to sit down, i felt soo tired and my limbs felt possessed with parkinson's.. I may have looked like I belonged to a funny farm, which jamjar use to say.

So that is why I didn't go to Karaoke.

Movie night? --> Easter

Friday, March 17, 2006


just a few brief notes. Life is necessarily highly regimented at the moment. I take on miscellaneous duties, and the rest of the time is pretty much PLT. I find it overwhelming, some people agree, some people aren't that vexed, I don't wish to add that much more. But it does seem that any spare moment i have will be devoted to practice files. But I shall entertain the odd social engagement.

*laughs* (and *cries*) if you want to see me, it's easier to be in my line of movement. There's no flexibility to diverge that much. Don't worry if I don't seem to recognise you at first - i'm just dazed..

So Interesting things, random things and the downright boring:

* going to kings cross on saturday with wendy and giving two men a push away with the back of hand as they looked like they were going to bother Wendy. "Shoo!" I say.. ( actually it was "Back Off") similar. similar.
* Oh and wen and I went into an adult entertainment shop that actually sold quite feminine and un-vampy/skimpy/trampy clothes. Then she had the idea to browse DVDs for someone that we might know. *laughs*.. that .. really.. i don't want to think about it.
* Um. I bullied UTS pete in buying me a hot chocolate. Another penniless day.
* I bought lunch back for him today though.
* Saw jim and heard about his 'set up'..
* my shoes chaffed my beat.. going to have to beat them into submission.
* used mike's phone and it cut out on people *hahaha*.. not that funny. called people back.
* new job is pretty good. the people have been nice.
* Oh and Jim confirmed it was water that made me unwell at Nat's.
* Oh and i said hello to Wen's freehills friend today since i recognised him from the foyer that lunch time. She went into hysterics! (loksee i have to tell you about it!! I could picture wen hysterical and pointing at me going "Joyce, you're weird! Ahh! What did you do!?" that sort of thing.)(of course, I object to that kind of claim, I will admit to being 'random'... pleasantly random... or unpleasantly moody..

Hope everyone is well and I look forward to seeing you (i really do.. life is tough). Love, Joisu.

Saturday, March 11, 2006


Happy Birthday Nat!

Firstly, Nat's party at cruise was awesome. It was all really lively. And i think I became the only major casualty before 10pm. (No i'm not proud of that fact).

Holly, Wendy, Rui and I went from soup place to Jim's shop. We found him chatting to caroline and then I borrowed his shop stationery and wrapped nat's present. We mingled there for a while trying to make jim open all the cabinets to let use play with the wares. *grins*. Then Pat called and (lied) told him the bar tab finishes in an hour - of which wen and I decided to let the others wait for warner and went direct to cruise. (see - i thought we had an hour. and that led to me miscalculating time and what i was actually drinking later. mm. oh well.)

I also remember wen and i going outside cruise to the bears display and talking. I remember thinking and giggling that neither of us could stand still and we struggling to stand in the same spot.

But all is well~ except i still feel a little.. buu.. so astonishing about it all is that i skipped the sleepy and teary stages. But I do need to extend a big thanks to friends (and strangers!) for looking after me. *embarassed look*. (and no, i won't be doing this again for a while. *nods*) - a big thanks to, and in no particular order: sue(?), wen, holly, warner, pat, jim, brett, chris, jonathan, will, and other people who i don't know. Sadly I was unable to go clubbing.

For future reference I think the mistakes that lead to (finally) drinking water and finding that particularly painful include the following:

1. Eating only soup prior to the party and being greatly disadvantaged for being unable to eat anything else.
2. Miscalculating time by an hour. So drinking 2.5 hr worth of drinks in 1.5 hours. (people coming up to ganbai also was .. fun.. but not the best idea.
3. Drinking the gin cocktail together with my vodka cocktail as drink 4+5. (You know, after i found out it was gin, i should've stopped. But no. ^_^. mm)

These factors were compounded by:

4.Months of not seriously consuming harmful beverages
5. Weight loss over summer due to some thing regarding some organ. To harmonise this all I was given was hormonal medication.

I was up til 6am awake and in throes of struggle because I was thirsty but i couldn't drink water. It was being rejected by my stomach.

*laughs* I'm really glad that only close friends and clubbing mates were there. du du duu duu..*waves*

Monday, March 06, 2006


Today i was at MU 8 - 4, caught bus at 4:05 that got me to QVB at 4:50 and got to Haymarket for class at 5:05. Class lasted til 8:45 with 30 min break. And I made it through - yippee.

My sandwich was good. But what go me through the evening class was a regular New Zealand Ice Cream macadamia milkshake. Good thing they were open at 6:20.

The boy made the milkshake. Then to fill it to the right size, he was blatantly pouring more milk and more milk and more milk .. and it still tasted incredibly sweet. A good *pick me up~* for $4. *winks*

Friday, March 03, 2006


**New Low**
I have $2.45 in my bank account. Thinking of it as my initiative to save - since I shall no longer be making withdrawals.

On a healthier note, this semester has just kicked off. In addition to university commitments, I've taken a 3 day/week position in Admin work at another place.

Meanwhile, I have trauma in vehicles in the morning. For some reason I get travel sick. Hate to think what morning sickness is like. But I've always know that my mum's driving makes me feel unwell sometimes. particularly if i sit in the back passenger seat. Hmm. I know, no one needed to know that.

But it puts things in context as to how my day started. I woke up, la di da, everyone's getting ready to leave the house. Then when my mum is ready, literally it means everyone else has to be and out the door we are flung. Which is fine for Bing and my dad (Bing is what I'm calling my sister) who have been ready for half an hour already. But yeah I had a really harassed expression as I had to leave the house.. and the driving really is cream on top of all else that's hit the fan. *nods*

While I'm having such a big whinge, my account being in a capacity that's near death, meant that I had to go more frugal than I have done in the past. *laughs* i the past it was optional and (shrug) but yes, today I was accosted as if it was criminal to take a disposable cup in order to get water. If the bar was open, I could have water for free, yes, instead, as people may be familar, the Haymarket bubbler stand has such poor water pressure your face has to pretty much wedge with it's metal bits. Poor I am, but not desperate. (I went thirsty).

Still what was socially more interesting is the Union staff that gave me the overall haughty asian look. Let the obvious be stated, she looked like she originated from HK, I was resigned to an action that she was looking down upon (sneering - but in not that strong a tone). Chinese people can treat other Chinese people with contempt. Do I do this myself? - I would have to deny absolutely. I get extremely offended and upset at some attitudes but no, today was was treated with contempt. I guess the university system does seem to reflect the idea you can only come if you're in a bracket that can afford things. *sniff*

None the less, public embarassment over. She tried to charge me for the cup. I could easily obtain these and more hygienic water from Lib staffroom. Some attitudes are all pervasive. She rolled her eyes when I said that I thus did not want the cup. Shall I bring my own mug for drinks next time and will I get a discount? She was soo just picking on me. Buu.