Saturday, April 30, 2005

It's May 2005!

It's May 2005 Girls, d'ya know what I mean?

It's close to mother's day and I have two words 'Fragrance Coffrets' (if you're into that sort of thing of course).
Well, coffret or Gift With Purchase (GWP). *nods*

I walked into DJs just before and Marc Jacobs has stocked their body cream here again. ($150) [But in HK it was $650] so i resisted (i'm an idiot. =_=). The lotion ($90) is a must have, but only if you like coconut pralines, because I realise, it does have a very almond / coconut type fragrance. It must be me though, I like coconuts. Wakeru, unhealthy - ah well. But why is the lotion a must have? It has sparkles and it feels good. It doesn't have the quasi-nourishing feel of origins, but origins lotions are good winter or bedtime products because they're slightly greasier - greasier isn't the word - let's just say they maintain moisture - good for dry skin.

Gucci had a lot of coffrets. Paul Smith, D&G, CK, Ralph Lauren... well almost all the brands have some sort of GWP, (in DJ the Paul Smith gift is nice)(Haven't looked at Myer yet). Ralph Lauren has sweet teddy bears for sale at $39.95 with a fragrance purchase and the proceeds of which go to charity. Not sure which charity (but RL has done things for the Breast Cancer Foundation etc and the bear is sweet too).

If boys are looking for something for mummie dear, um.. i dunno.. i can't help you. I haven't decided what to get mum either.

Meanwhile, I've made a mental note regarding a certain pink lamb leather wallet ($660) that I don't really.. need...

Yup. I woke up happy this morning.

*post-script* I thought I'd add an note regarding why I'm cheerful among my monged up days. S-sama and I drove to Bondi Beach and observed the culture persistant there at midnight. Generally, a lot of security and life revolved around Maccas. Marhar.. it's amusing. The sand was cold. There were many nocturnal crazy seagulls. Me not like seagulls.

And people can stop telling me flabby (my keybag) looks like pestilence okay. I'll wash it~! It's colour has always been a grubby blue type but yes yes I get the point. Comment any more and I'll give you a look that says 'at least it smells better than you'. And it does, it smells like silver rain.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Oh dear. I just managed to print out notes (that I haven't yet read) and set it aside for browsing tomorrow morning. Before class and test. Yay for me. Mental note: tomorrow sit beside power point because mac won't last more than an hour.)

Wednesday: A day in the life of Joisu!
1am - sleep.
Wake up (hopefully sometime early) - rush. Go bind assignments. 10:30 - 11:30 class, 11:30 to 1:00pm test/exam, 1:00 - 4:00 class, 4:00 - 6:00 BREAK!! Yippee, 6:00 - 9:00pm class. Go to Catherine's graduation dinner.. for dessert.

Thursday a bit better.. 11am to 8pm of assorted fun. (Will miss farewell party in the loft. =_=)

Friday is a bit better too 9am to 2:30pm. (mental note: due date for assignment)

There you have it. This is as interesting as it gets. I would love to make time to see you too, so please issue advance notice and constant reminders.

But YEAh~ I took the day off yesterday. I woke up at noon anyway. Focus and concentration was not an option. In the end, I ambled over happily to a beach. Got squashed by some choppy waves. It was hilarious fun, , i thought, after I got dry and managed to stop tasting salt. But it was funny, because Blake's friends had flaming batons and kites and guitars. I was pretty impressed. Watched movies and ate pizza. I'll remember that good breather when I walk into the test tomorrow morning. I'll think, the equitable assignment of this equitable chose in action didn't have to comply with section 12, but he is estopped from.. mm.. maybe i can incorporate 'flaming baton' or 'blue towels' in my answer..

Sunday, April 24, 2005

long weekend

I don't understand those classes on a Saturday that start from the morning tea hour and go through to post-lunch time. It takes up the best part of the day and then just abandons you at the point where you can't collect yourself and accomplish anything else.

So there I was enjoying soup when I get a call from dear sister and mum who demand to know where parking is most favourable with my student card near the university. Honestly, parking rates don't vary and it's only an advantage to be a student if you're parking somewhere all day (Entertainment centre).

Oh well. Exhausted and annoyed I head over there walking past the uni, where this friendly person whom has talked to me time and time again through the last 2 years or so, again tried to ask me to join his bible study group. There are few people like this, who my memory find it difficult to distinguish but they don't have salient personalities. How can I say No to a bible study group? Well, previous honest excuses of not having time seemed to ineffective. Now whenever I turn around and see who it is that is called out my name I immediately go into their topic of interest, ask them how they are, smile and say 'yeah good luck with all of that' before closing conversation.

On the one hand, I don't want to sound dismissive (because I hate it when people do that to me. buuu) But on the other hand, I don't see where the conversation is going and some people are just unnerving. (It must be the quasi-librarian image! It's made me bait for such things! =_=)

Friday, April 22, 2005


Currently nibbling on a whole family pack of assorted mass manufactured cookies. ooh la. I've finished one sixth of it.. meeheehee

People are meeting at The Rocks at 8. But in my current mood, I'll just go to sleep and binge eat some more. Yay~ And kudos to JC for driving me home (Yes. I imposed). But bars can be attractive places but then that depends on who's going to be there. After the somewhat sombre nights with the girls with the attitude that we have to be responsible for ourselves (or, and I think this option is better, have someone willing to be responsible around for us..) ... well.. it turned out to be hot cocoa nights. Which is good too. But haiii.. unless it's one of three sexy men who tell me to go.. I don't see a problem being quietly domestic and slightly sooky.

B tells me after I used msn on Robert's computer, everytime MSN opens, he gets some msgs to my account from someone saying hello. Marha.. I'm sorry. I dunno anything about PCs.. or MSN..

And another interesting thing is that I got a confirmation of my purported request for password for this site? So.. did you try to log into my blog? darling, that's so indicative of uber-procrastination.

Meanwhile, today ET and I got very worked up about a certain GP.. we shall call 'AL'. My Gosh. AL is so unprofessional! ET said the same! AL just dismissed ET and said 'I have no time'... you have NO TIME?? You loser~~~ You have NOTHING! Be reassuring or brutal - not an idiot. ; ( And if i can end up feeling that disabled.. reassurance is surely not too much to ask.


Before I know it, assignment after assignment after assignment.
Then I'll be on a plane. There and back to more uni.. internship (it's mandatory.. so I better arrange this). And then summer.

But yes. I'm really a happy person.
Just brooding right now. wondering what's bothering people and if they're ok. But perhaps it's better that I don't know. Quite likely. still.. chotto kurushimi sometimes.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


The oscillation completes itself. On Friday I had a bad day.
It was just one of those roll out of bed and into an onslaught of troubled long hours.
I don’t remember anything good happening at all.

But, therefore, Saturday was heaps better by comparison. But not that great. Began to not feel that well. But to demand cream on coffee, there were a few people I wanted to see. They were otherwise not available.

I bought myself a bunch of flowers.

Anyway, this bunch of flowers which towers over my bunch of equity and trusts books for my essay which I am meant to be doing now.. Well, this bunch of flowers has lilies, those single long stem happy looking red and hot pink ones, yellow ones, teeny purple ones, mid-teeny yellow ones, and those that I keep thinking are ‘carnations’ but they are not. Or are they?

Then in the evening there were heaps of things I wanted to do. But they did not really materialise either. A few of us were slightly depressed. Then, as we talked about it, the understanding, the comparisons, the equivalent examples made us all slightly unhappy. I remember a confronting situation for me one time, and I ended up abandoning a party. Only I stepped out the front door and closed it. Then I thought, things really shouldn’t bother me, and even if it did I ought not to have shown it. But when I thought I’d go back inside, the door was locked. So that settled it, I left.

But now I resolve not to abandon things or people anymore. It means I’ll think doubly hard before I show up anywhere. Gah. I hate disappointing advance RSVPs, but moodswings are moodswings.

Sunday. Woke up really late. But day is a write off for any work. I’m ill.

Monday. Slightly better. Mandatory sentence to spend 10 hours working on assignment. It was too long. Unreasonable. (Blake came by and so I got to take a break. We eat gelato). But assignmentry and long hours made me Feverish. Couldn’t sleep.

Tuesday. Modelled for Goldwell and their little show. Somewhat better. Just in time for class.

Been thinking about people.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Went to I don't remember the site - Peter knows ask him. And apparently in Lane Cove there are 20 endangered species living here. And it also listed one that was extinct.. aw.

I like Bilbies.
And I am also beyond tired.
Just also a bit restless.
Need to sit down on Sunday to begin essay.

Mm.. IABC? Who signed me up to receive those emails.
What? Why? ..huh?

Anyway this morning i rocked up to this interview. And I ended up just stirring things around and then leaving with a bright light shining on me. I only wanted to know what they actually did - and they called me in to recruit me without telling me. Yes, so hush hush. It must be a high turnover job - I was right.

As soon as I got there. See other candidates who look pretty darn glum, non-smiling and in gloomy colours. Yes. Good luck to them since they probably are more serious about getting the job. You can just tell what sort of things is going on when you see a lot of other candidates. They looked like they were recruiting for a street crew - i openly said so. And they were like 'wha..?'

So to go on, if there is one thing I am not going for right now is 'direct marketing jobs'. Hello -NO. Sounds like a licence to harass to me. I'm awful to telemarketers - I've been meaning to change that, honest. But yes, the interviewer asks me things like my marital status.. *stop rant* Anyone who doesn't get the job - you have an avenue to sue. *continue* And then tells me yes he gets at least $5k a week and has two of his own companies. As an added bonus, his communication skills are poor, and he was belittling me. Emphasis on money and goading me about my 'learning curve' is the worst thing you can do. I must look pretty stupid, is that right..? Well I look better in pink than you do. Ner.

Well. everything about that place just made me think so poorly of them. They didn't read my resume. They found out what I was studying and belittled me some more- oh yeah. explains why they didn't read my resume maybe. But there was makeshift furniture + lap tops everywhere. I wouldn't say 'dodgy' but the whole thing just made me laugh. Then again, I was only there to practice interview skills. la la la. And I've been a mystery shopper, so I take note of these things.

Anyhow, my 28 year old interviewer was repeating himself after I answered all his questions. Interesting, lateral, Not very disarming. After that he seemed to be repeating himself again.. Yes Boy. Learning curve.. hmm.. not interested no.. so I took over the interview and asked him questions.
I outstared him too. Yes. joyce not in nice mood.
He should thank me. I made his day less boring.
I asked to evaluate his role, and whether he felt his sense of achievement. Then I ended the interview for him because it would save me the hassle but I said "I think we both agree, this isn't exactly what I'm looking for right now. But it was interesting talking to you about it. I'm sure it inspired me in some way I will realise some time later down the track."

{OK. If i end up unemployed in the future - it might be Karma.. but I think I did the right thing today}

but yes.. after 7.5 hours of classes in freezing cold rooms. This mean girl is so tired. But no, I didn't miss my bus stop on the way home. And Goldwell gave me their whole range of hair curly products because I stopped in to say hello and said I really have no idea what to do with my hair sometimes. But yay. In addition to all the schwarzkopf stuff.. my bathroom is a salon. Which doesn't make sense.. But yes. I got an extra large bottle of 'hair lacquer' hahhaa.. wow. I was joking with Holly and saying this was better than a capsicum spray. And yes, it is flammable..

Crawling to bed. Facing KG tmr. *sigh* pain pain pain.. pain.. need pain killers.. lots..

Saturday, April 09, 2005


My god..
If Camila ever ends up on some denomination of the Australian Currency,
I'm moving to militia ruled Borneo or something.

Friday, April 08, 2005

uber frazzled..

Nn. Sleep deprivation for quite a wild while+ being happy for quite a while= only a matter of time before mood got whipped. So now is the time for self-control, typing up gay assignments and not wondering why my timetable is so many thorns in buttocks.

Random, honest and reasonably-questionable thoughts of the moment are
* This curry tastes pretty good
* I think I ate too much today
* Control of moods and nerves was DEPLORABLE today
(Yes!! Me ought to be ashamed of myself *sniff*)
* Yesterday I visited Yang.
* I may not visit her anymore
* Because I don't want to?
* For a few matters I need some distance
* Advertising needs some distance.
* Staring at it is eating my hours and producing no output
* Scrabble needs some distance
* I have a love-hate relationship with scrabble
* Bank Account needs some distance
* Bank Account is in critical form
* mm.. have to do Yum Cha after all these things
* always sitting somewhere for so long is doing bad things to flab
* What happened to me sponsoring a donkey?
* What happened to my credit card?
* Walking around library is intimidating when I'm a student
* mm.. I want a nap..

Sunday, April 03, 2005

sundae morning

my group members have been spamming me all week because i need to do group work. Hence I'll keep this post brief.

CAnberra continued -
Well.. after my decaf.. nothing much happened. Except the room was really chilly too.. and I couldn't sleep all that well.
You say I could've gotten up to wear more garments? You forget, me too tired to move. Anyway, it turns out other people weren't as cold as me. So I was concerned for nothing.

On the road again. Came back to Sydney. Got back to Lane Cove and spent over 30 minutes in Blockbuster looking for appropriate films to watch for an evening only 3 or 4 people rsvp'ed. Had to call and confirm some attendees. *rolls eyes*

Came back home. Some attendees asked me what we were going to be eating...? And I practically yelped. I made the representation we would be eating here, but if precedent is followed, people never eat much at my house when I do provide provisions. AND yet~ I knew that some people would come over after work without having eaten.. So .. I bolted out of the house and saw loksee coming down the road. *yay* *me waved*

And, because my brother had a thing about my case of becks, I had to buy a case of VB for people. I haven't assessed the damage to stock yet. I think we finished half of what I had. Exclude counting laura's near full bottle which she abandoned. Oh and thanks Loxi for bringing juice.. my house had nothing. It was moofie night co-sponsored by Loxi! *claps*

ANd my god... 5 spillages. Hold ON to your drinks people.. they don't sit well on cushions and stuff.

So attendees (loxi, laura, wenko, holly, blake, dane, jim, petechia, sean) and I watched 28 days after. [Think joyce in blockbuster looking at the staff member "Hi.. do you have a film.. called.. 20 days..ago..?"] but yes, staff at blockbuster are helpful and nice. We were meant to drink everytime someone died. (I forget who made up that rule), but then after the guy was walking around an empty city for quite some time, I started to think we should drink everytime we saw someone else! Anyhow, when we were holding our beers that were getting warm, we changed the rule to drink everytime someone got hurt.. so.. baseball clubbing people *cheers*, some violent metal to bone and torn limbs *cheers*.. but i thought that film was a bit scary too.. yes.

Note how the female protagonist starts off as such a strong character and independant drive and then when she finds there's a man that actually seemed to care about her, she sorta loses that and has a preference to be taken care of, loved, optimistic and feminine again. No one else noticed? But that is really what happens to us..

Anyway. After this we watched 'The Eye'. Everyone was talking over the film. Random comments and criticism. But I thought it was scary. I don't think I'll be catching a lift by myself for a little while. I had my face in a cushion half the time. (and this film made it difficult to sleep.. and no, it didn't help that in the dark room at 4:30 am a few 'I have a knife' jokes were flying around..' it's kinda scary to share a room with three other people who don't snore.. like.. i don't have a preference for silence...) =_=

After this, we watched 'Wasabi' which was good (thanks Pete). French Japanese film. I really liked that one.

Then we played scrabble.. and that's another post.

So next post = about scrabble, about sleep (lack thereof), yum cha..

Origins - Checks and Balances (Canberra)

Ok. The title of my blog is no longer song names.. but once again random. Unlike some people, I don't have 60 gigs of music..

Yay. Saturday.
I was just in the city a few minutes ago. When I got there, I had mental blank as to where I was meant to go. I knew where. But I didn't know the name of the place... it slipped my mind completely. And what I could remember, or thought I did remember, I knew was incorrect and it just didn't fit. mega oops

So i got some exercise walking around and attempted calling a few people. but my eyes felt like glue. Home is a very attractive place when that happens.

Toniiiikaku, me come home. I think maybe my advertising assignmentry can be briefly revisited with my 5% mental capacity. I think, I am optimistic and irrational.

So thursday, me with no cat pillow left the house. Was directed to catch 7:02 to Blue mtns.
I caught a bus from Lane Cove at 6:33.
Those were 27 very vexing minutes. Going down freeway, lining up behind 5 people to buy the ticket, leaping on train at Wyn, leaping off at central, faced by that tunnel to the other platforms that always seems to be deserted, going up to the platforms and not knowing what platform I want.... walked across platforms spying at 9 to 13, cityrail staff tell me it's platform 7 at 7:00:56. Yes. I'm brilliant. And this scene is inconsistent with my record of trying to get to uni on time.

Blue mountains was excellent. Scrabble... muahaha! *yay* *claps* Drinking scrabble.. challenging. Single Malt whiskey.. mm made me think that I knew the songs I was nodding to, but I didn't. It was too chilly for me to sleep. Wafted between thoughts and reality. Sounds a bit like being mildly intox..

Woke up. Head to Canberra. Sleepyheads. Me with no cat pillow.

It took a very long time to get there.
I missed the turn off to Canberra and headed for Yass. This situation was noted and attempted to be rectified immediately. We aimed to get there by 'lunch' and then '2pm'.. we got there.. closer to 3.. but not quite.

Canberra was super. But I was close to tears for being so tired. My eyes were sore from the glare of the road that melted into the backdrop of crispy unwatered wild grass. Sometimes I couldn't see bends until they were 30 metres away and I was travelling at 130.. exaggeration? let's hope so..

Bronwyn was in classes. So touring the campus a bit and nearby surrounds was possible and pleasant.
Went to Lyndham for Pizza (dinner), went to Trivia, a Cafe and Bronwyn's friend's house.
Interesting things happended in all these places. you know. The usual. A few blunt, scathing comments. A few minutes entertainment on the pokies that cost us nothing except a few brain cells (How does the game work? So.. random.. and.. boring.. makes you want to hit 'gamble gamble gamble' in frustration. S-sama went to debarcle.

The moon was very nice. 3/4 uber big choc chip cookie. Saw the high court and other very monopoly-game like buildings and stuff. Bronwyn's friends were great company and very accomodating to the moods of one very tired me.

At the cafe, Lillipilli pikelets was in order and Bronwyn and I each ordered a cappucino. one Cap for me and one DeCaf-Cap for her. Now.. one Cap came and I obtained it. We were wondering whether it was normal or Decaf. I thought i'd ask when they brought the next one. Unusually, the other drinks only came like 10 minutes later and being unable to bear it, I had started drinking my coffee. I couldn't tell whether it was decaf or not. Different brands of beans do different aromas and tastes. But yeah, pikelets + coffee = joisu rambling like a nut. I don't remember what I said. I said an awful lot. Robert returned attentive but otherwise meaningless syllabic and paced replies. Mary had a look on her face which made me think I should shut up, but I didn't. I am told, my monologue was interesting and riveting. That itself is scary.

We thought we'd go clubbing. BUt ended up imposing on Robert's hospitality. and then returned to the Lodgings.
Played dictionary. I was so tired. We all knew Bronwyn got the Cap and I got the Decaf.. I really felt like falling asleep in the shower (that's how tired I was). But by the time I was ready for bed, I had passed the sleeping threshold and I buggered in that I couldn't move.. but my mind was awake / thoughtful

This is taking it's toll. And I'm being berated by my mother.