Sunday, October 30, 2005


*owwie* I am using my coffee table as my computer table seeing as my desk is now a patchwork of books. And my coffee table is starting to sway a bit. So I took computer up with one hand and started to spin my table so that it would screw back in place. you see a blue and red light of this mouse spinning around and cords all catching eachother and now my wrist hurts.

all I can say for now is that yes daylight saving has kicked in. my driving and general motivation to stay awake is shocking. I realised today that it is sort of true that the car doesn't seem to go straight by itself. Generally haven't been feeling all that *aware* and thus may have impinged comfort zones - and so if I annoy you, or start to cry, or start poking you etc, no *shakes head* even I don't know why I do that.

I have also been pleasantly surprised by all the men i know who can cook. If i add thoughts about people men who can BBQ (indeed, i don't know any who can't - and if a man can't.. *useless*). But yes, in short, men who say they can cook can talk to the hand, and those who demonstrate it impress me. *shakes head* no i can't cook that well or I can if i have the leisure.

Speaking of food, apart from all those biscuits mentioned previously, I ate too many dried mangoes and think I have now got a rash from it. *unhappy look* It's one of the reasons I am not that fond of mangoes, i wouldn't choose it over an apple. And yet it was the only instantly edible thing in the pantry. my biscuits were gone, my chocolate was gone.. there is no bread.. there is potato salad, but i ate that for a few days in a row..

All these things and more are mounting up and driving vexation.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


*waves* Hey youu.

Update: I have been eating Arnotts 'Hundreds and Thousands' like there is no tomorrow. ITL due yesterday was extended to give us another week ( a week i was meant to use for another assignment..) and ITL has met technical difficulties because my mac has become ill and unresponsive. *shakes head* of all days.

Meanwhile, I too, am ill and near unresponsive but that has been due to lack of sleep since MSG poisoning on Sunday night. *laughs* right, that sunday that holly, warner, diane and I spent walking around chatswood browsing at shoes for 2.5 hours - an impromptu excursion that combined my need to walk around or I'll go spastic (or spasm-mistic-ish) and Holly's need to meet exceed her fifty pair shoe collection. This was following a near sleepless night of movies. And that had followed an excursion to Rui's at an hour I was already sleep incapacitated.

Gabe was persuaded to come along. And so we were driving down along epping road at 35km/hour and occasionally slowing to the extent we were just not moving. I'm not sure why he did that. (Gabe, do you remember?) But I think both of us were so tired, we didn't notice. (Til Holly BEEPED us because Gabe stopped at a green light for 5 minutes? *thinks* *no i don't recall a reason* I was saying to him "We can go... we can go.." and Gabe was just talking.. (I forget about what) - you can see the whole event was a temporally spaced out..episode.

Oh - At Rui's I thought his friends were surprisinigly refreshing. *laughs* yes, they were so smart! (Not saying that MY friends are not smart - indeed you all are *wink*) But you see, they were talking through the batman movie about how microwaves evaporates water or something. We came in half way so I was wrapped in my arctic jacket (I know it's spring.. *sniff* but i still get cold) and trying to understand what I was watching. Holly and warner were talking about Bi people meetin warner at his counter at work. *laughs* - that is highly inaccurate but I wasn't listening. They were loud. I overheard - incorrectly. I think my version is far more interesting *winks*

So yes.. after all these events, I've been spread exiguously across all my subjects and getting quite pinched. And I don't think I get to see more than.. 5 or 6 trees a day. I haven't sat on grass for a while also. more easily depressed, more easily amused, be nice to me - i'm in a gullible mood.

Having said all this, I don't know what I plan for friday night. I am beginning to think that i might see who is up for mild dinner and get some early sleep.

*grabs another hundreds and thousands biscuit* *waves*

Friday, October 21, 2005


e is for empty
which is why we should be trying to switch to bio-fuels. many conflicting ideas and observations in that area, but if i learnt one thing from mr everett in year 7 science ( indeed that is close to a decade ago~ eyya) energy is not made or created but merely changes form. (and hopefully even that memory isn't incorrect *laughs*).

I am just taking a break and perhaps a nap before I try again to focusing on this essay. it has been a work in progress for so long, i'm sick of re-reading the same texts and displacing the core plot I thought had been firmly planted in my mind. It's been stolen or subconsciously i willfully misplaced it *nods* i like to believe the former.

Is it a surprise to oneself when and if you start to feel you're stuck and that you couldn't make any changes because there is nothing you may want to change. I suppose it's a realisation that one is ignorant, though it's only a suspect thought because the proof of it is kept hidden from you or something like that. Yet also, you don't know if you could deal with the proof that somethings are quite unfavourable in your life. well wardrobe, hair or whatever, all those things you think you may live without being told .. wakaranai..

But indeedy~ i think my cosine curve though not stabilised has recently been comatose from shock of the major recent not-to-be-repeated incidences in life. And yay~ it's raining which curbs my desire to go to the beach *nods*

Monday, October 17, 2005


Hellu. Do you think I can live with one lung? In an unsurpassable failure on Sunday I think i now owe SSU one pound of flesh. But unlike the Merchant of Venice, the blood price is also fair. I don't know where my heart or brain is right now. No one would want my liver. So, yes, do you think one lung ...

I made PR sound riveting and great, but after my previous posts on PR related things, the staff there turned into attitude wielding people which has greatly affected me. I don't mind the learning exercise, but it's not PR related learning, it's being talked at learning, and being assigned tasks sometimes with excessive information which makes me reel, it's having a question which requires a 'yes' or 'no' response but i get a "NO~ I'M TOO BUSY RIGHT NOW" touche anyone? there is enough to go around. truly.

Thus today I completed my required duration. And though they may have me tentatively allocated up to thursday, after tomorrow, if i survive the Bu-bu that happened on Sunday (*cough* while I still have a left lung) I shall not step foot there again - ever - as an unpaid slave. They say every experience is a worthwhile one, and usually i have high tolerance of pain but the clear exception is if the cause of pain is emanating from a person or attitude related.

Keep me away from bartenders or be prepared to race me to emergency - or if you beat me, wait and i'll meet you there. Hrm. maybe i should say that when ITL is due in 6 days and worth 100% of the remaining after-one-lung life..

Saturday, October 15, 2005


Hello. *blinks* I am definitely not going to oxford st tonight. I'm afraid the essay that has caught up with me has made no developments this week. so this afternoon when I get home I'm going for a walk maybe a swim and then hope to work on it to the wee hours of sunday morning.

Meanwhile, on thursday i found Holly and Gabe in the library. We couldn't muffle our peals of laughter while huggled together around a computer (not using it) in a very conspiracy-like manner. Then we decided out of le blau that we should go eat those dessert promos around the hotels in town. Leaving the library we decided to have a snack - at maccas. And it turned out to be a full blown meal eaten in a flash.

It was 10:30 when sofitel decided to bring us our order. and 12:30 when i got home. Which is completely unacceptable since I was trying to keep to a tight regime to conserve energy for essays and those other 4 subjects i'm enrolled in. but reminders aren't helping.

Friday i saw sugen, blake and matty down on sussex street. then i attended the testing day at wagamamas in Galleries. To my taste, fusion foods aren't my thing. It marks my second time at the chain and well, i'm not inclined to go back for several reasons. One of which is, for $25-$30 and some friends you could eat very nicely at other places. Waga is built for quick exceptional service and people who don't really want to be wowed. So it's trendy for some people and not for me. alas.

But Yaa.. see you soon~ *waves*

OHH MY i forgot to mention one of the most important things! On friday i went to lunch at 2:40 and got back to le office at.. 4:50. Holly and I discovered a new shop that is soooo fantastic it blows us away. It has the most exclusive, wide range of bulk buy personal care products everrr~ Man. It would sooo decorate and outdo all my origins products in my bathroom.

You can see why I'm the type of person who takes huge offence with 4 unknown people raid my bathroom and examine my drawers. They should get their own stuff.. *angry look*

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


*waves* yes bother timing me doing laps around town hall on various errands, time the amount of lapses I have in a twelve hour day.

If you are wondering why i may sound vague, quiet, demanding, unreasonable, slightly out-of-touch - it's because PR internship is sweeping me off my feet! Possibly, if I was there for 2 or 3 months, I'd have some placement and role, but as I am there for an astoundingly brief period for PR, but crazily long period for an overloaded full time uni girl - I am a floater, a casualty being demanded to assist meeting deadlines 8 hours a day 5 days a week~ *spins around* But it has been fun, and attention consuming. (needed: someone to tell me what has been going on in evidence)

So if i have annoyed you over the past.. three days (is that all.. felt longer) I'm sorry, you're important ne *nods*

so from my world, what have I been up to?

* well last time, i was dismantling vibrators and making them into promo material (no i didn't speak to anyone when i was doing that. people kept well away from me. vibrator + knife + superglue etc.. *winks* scary *nods*
* this time, they had launch for new Kids Awareness with water. I am choosing my words carefully in case they google their event and my blog comes up. (if it does~ *waves* hi...) but it was heaps of fun and it's completely new because the group we're promoting teaching-water-conditioning-skills to are parents and their 0 - 12 month year olds. Babies in water are amazing. People are not naturally afraid of water.. the fear is learnt or taught.. etc i won't go on about that
* I've been tying up bikini tops and bottoms for a new thing coming up. .. s'all good
* watching all these vibe dosed people slamming phones and going pretty nuts

tomorrow is only thursday but these 12 hour days are quite exhausting.

Sunday, October 09, 2005


Hallo~~ *waves*

I finished reading that book, been falling asleep from fatigue, driving dangerously and procrastinating with excessive severity. In fact, while my parents aren't too pleased that I want to go to tahiti they are approving that i want to go to peru. So while these ideas are firmly planted in my mind, I note bleakly that it is subject to having available funds. No matter. Additionally I believe I may be buying tickets for my Uncle and Auntie and maybe some others to come over during Dec/Jan. And I am optimistic that .. it can happen... (*furrowed brow*) if only because for the next 3 weeks I am BOGGED down with.. things to do and thus expenditure should be low.

MY EXAM TIMETABLE IS A JOKE. I have exams 3 days apart beginning the saturday *before* exam period, the day after PR is due.. two weeks after ITL is due.. which I should start now. *cries*

having said all this, Movie night ais perhaps on Friday 28th October unless i subsequently change my mind. but it appears to be the only viable day for now. I realise that it's a friday and would possibly conflict with the usual friday night things. but we shall see won't we.

And there was a guy in the notetaking class I had yesterday (it was their last one for 2005) and he was absolutely hot. Looks-wise he was uber attractive anyway, but it was the charismatic personality, intelligence and sense of humour that really puts him in the HOT category. From observation, you can tell he is unavailable. It's in the sure-ness that they radiate and how they carry themselves when they talk to interested girls - btw, this characteristic also belongs to guys with sisters and can get along with them. It's more a women understanding that you can either see they have or they don't have. But he seemed to be the pretty secure type ( = taken).

The relevance of a guy's capacity to understand women is very important. Can it be learned? Sure it depends, but i tend to think that no, no it cannot. But this makes sense because it's just me who is part of that category of those impossible to understand with moodswings etc etc and thus only people with the highest capacity would be attractive. (see.. if all you are going to is glare impatiently when we feel irrational issues beyond contemplation and don't know that patient weathering of the storm can be aided by something as simple as a kitkat.. or the answer to 'what's wrong' is 'nothing' and you think righto and go do something stupid.. well go home) But this is all besides the point..

I haven't been eye-guy-spying (ok ok i have) (can't help it if they have group exercises and i don't have to participate). Some guys simply attract attention but you see some drama-kings dunno when to quit, i.e. no humility or simply no common sense (these are no-no's). Some people raise the significance of a moment by adding their personality but not to the point of distraction - i tend to believe this is rare in guys, and so quite coveted if not jealously guarded by their girl and guy friends alike. Anyway, so i noticed he had this and whoever he loves, they would be so lucky. His security with himself is a sure indicator that his relationship is also secure. which means that he's loyal.. ya ya~ he's hot. viola, so there *are* people like that.. *laughs*.. and his group presentation was brilliant but i'll stop talking about it like a stalker since it's a one off

my notetakee's guide dog sleeps in class and makes muffled barks in his dreams.. totemo kawaii wane~~

Thursday, October 06, 2005

a book

restless tears and bygone hours. I'm so angry at this book. It's not so much the story (though i love it), it's not so much the characters (though truly i love them also), it's the description of human character that is soooooo unrealistic, so endearing, so charming and desireable that makes me once again an utter romantic. *blinks back tears*

And lo', in the ill begotten hour with a waning crescent moon, the night and great adversities wreath the strenuous 400 hour challenge for the girl too easily misled by fate and who takes simple words too close to heart. These hours begin when the baited trap, a book, closes unfinished with a simple ribbon hanging dead between the spell worn pages. Feel not the night, it sings, but when the embers of day grow hot, you will know pain.

Okay. that is as verbious as I will be for now. I'm still dazed that .. well i won't comment.. I'm afraid that this semester might just be the one that causes me the most grief. *cries and shakes head* I wouldn't have thought that possible.

BUT yes~~ *sniff* kind greetings are welcome, lunch hour visitations are welcome, lifts home, warm coats, flat shoes, spritzing water, a walk in the park... message me.

I have a work items stuck to 2 weeks PR internship stuck to work items stuck to the due date of my essay. I'm glad it's not a thesis paper, but still.. i can't say anymore. The book i'm reading is killing me softly in so many ways and i say that about every book.. but this book depicts characters that cannot exist though it leaves me wishful that perhaps they do..

If i don't sleep now - i won't feel it and my week is over. *waves*

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


notthatiamearly butthereisnotclass andnowihavetochangetimetablefortoday *breathes* andthoughishouldbedoingworknow itisalljustsodisorientating....eyyyaaaa

Sunday, October 02, 2005


Warning: title of post ironic

Thursday: a normal day
I had bad time management and so I couldn’t watch MKs basket ball game. That’s right!! Dammnn it was that day where I missed the 7:20 bus home and thought I’d go grab something to eat while waiting for the 7:50 one. Then when I had substantially left the bus stop and gone all the way to buy something to eat, I turn around and the bus was there (at 7:30) and then left when I proceeded walking back towards it. If you were there, I’d have been saying a lot of quotable expressions. But since I was by myself, I had to not say anything. But I caught the 144 instead to change my potential 45 minute walk to a 15 minute one. That is the reason why I didn’t go.

Friday: Holly the Graduate
Holly directed us to gather at Verandah at the opportune time that escapes entry costs. *laughs* I think somehow we were on time and early for once. It was bound to happen some time.

So I caught bus. Stopped at Jim’s and pestered him until he closed shop as I ate my Macca’s Happy Meal. Then we walked to verandah taking not-exactly-the-most-direct route (he forgot I was bad with directions). Generally I think I retraced the steps Phil and Will led that other time I forgets when. You can imagine.. I’m happily walking along eating fries Jim cursing all the taxi drivers as he puts his limbs in front of their vehicle (because he realised somehow we walked around the whole block).

At Verandah, I saw alex and victor and they asked me where holly was. I said, I dunno, and I walked inside and viola, they were all next to the bar. The closest one near the entrance I might add. Then I don’t recall that much, I think everyone was calling up others to see where they were and I was dazed. I remember seeing everyone come in like at 1 minute intervals. Or maybe they came in before me, but I saw them at one minute intervals.

In short – at one point I suggested to gabe that he should buy us drinks and he said “Oh kay” and then I realised he gave me $50. Thus I proceeded trying to spend it all and gabe got a bit … well distressed. So I gave him back the change.. that was left.. *runs away*

Then Gabe was going to Suspicious’ to watch a movie. I wanted to go to, but gabe said my invitation was revoked because I had said I was sick. **wah** then I spent a few minutes protesting the facts and I said my cold was not contagious. But ultimately I decided to stay for a few reasons. I suppose one of which was I hadn’t had my dose of dancing exercise.

Aside: I spent about 5 whole minutes laughing at anna’s predicament at one point. Aside 2: gabe’s sister was there~ and thus ultimately, he didn’t give me my lift home. (thanks anna). Aside 3: I kept mistakenly thinking I heard the same song again. Aside 4: jim and pat on the stage at one point were surrounded by these girls-typical-in-verandah and looked like they were being pushed off.

I heard after than some other UTS person had a grad thing there hence there were so many familiar faces. And also Eleanor who had her own guestlist was outside waiting until the depths of 2330 and couldn't get in and went somewhere else.

Oh then 9drinks and 6 or 7 hours later, anna and I stopped at maccas after dropping caz off (jim was in the car and not moving) and we got sprung by holly, warner and matt. We thought they went to pancakes to meet up with tessa et al.

Saturday: Our lil party for Laura at Spicy Island.

Well I bought the cakes and told loxi that the mini m&ms would be a necessary decoration. The chocolate sponge I bought looked good, but tasted so-so. And the other cake I got, looked normal but tasted very nice.

Anyway, I surprised myself by turning up at the restaurant first, then I surprised the restaurant lady by saying we didn’t have a booking and I didn’t know exactly who were coming. Then Loxi and I surprised (or disgusted) her again by laughing maniacally as we put m&ms on the cake to make it pretty. Her response was “You’re not going to serve that are you? It looks bad. The other cake looks better!” and was like googly-eyes saying ‘nooooo’ with my hands over my ears and crying out “but this is the one with laura’s name on it!”

Thus everyone (donna, laura, wendy, loksee and I)being seated and quite on time on the dot of 7:05, ordered. Boy, did we order. I suppose the restaurant lady was thinking ‘those 5 little asian girls and their cake won’t order very much’. (all the menu choices are listed with the name of the person who nominated the dish for my memorable reference) We got Wendy’s chilli crab, wendy’s bread, donna’s beef rendang, wendy’s coconut rice, donna’s chicken rice, laura’s special chicken, joyce’s gado gado (bean sprout salad with peanut sauce), Loksee’s no. 64 noodles. Our table was laden.

Then, Chloe turned up. She was on the reserved table for like 26 people. When she appeared our table was still decorated with food and we had all paused to ‘rest’.

The staff thought we couldn’t eat it all. Hah! We showed them! We didn’t eat it all – but I asked for a take away box each and we all boxed lunch for the next day. A bit of everything that we wanted. And thus all food was gone.

Then they brought out the cake looksee and I decorated (by poking m&ms in place with a chopstick **nods**) The “happy birthday” song came on. And I know it’s a bit embarrassing.. but well, it’s for laura~! She saw my cake (and wendy saw my cake for the first time and donna saw it again). To keep it unexaggerated, they looked disappointed, so very disappointed. I think I was like “yay” and they looked at me funny.
Laura told me later she thought someone had baked her a cake. Not that someone baking a cake is disappointing, but yes it did like a lopsided half-hearted handiwork.

But then they realised the Japanese cheesecake from savoy tasted better than the fanciful chocolate sponge. You know, the chocolate one looked soooooo nice, but the ‘chocolate flake wafers’ turned out to be marzipan and chocolate.. and say no more. We took to the lopsided cute little spongey one with m&ms more. It’s surprises like that I think, that made us all the more merry. Staring at loads of food and thinking ‘oh my, we really did today’ to packing it and taking it. To unimpressive mini cakes to something that was all the more sweet. I think it was a great reflection of the parodies in life

Today. Sunday.

Ask me about today in person.
Let’s just say, I slept in. Drove to class trying not to be a crazy driver since it’s double demerit weekend but all the more I tried to concentrate, the more maniacally I drove.

Aside: Where is that camera that’s between epping and my house. I hope it didn’t book me again. Aside again: The e-toll didn't work. T.T~

And I got to class. Later I found out when I returned to the entertainment centre, I hadn’t locked the car. So I checked the boot in case someone put something, like a body, in there.

And about today, I woke up really confused and somewhat upset because I had a dream where they wanted me to jump off a plane with a parachute but were not willing to even confirm that the parachute was not faulty or would even probably open. It was one of those inarguable situations where you know, they tell you to jump and you have to jump. To make matters worse, I was going to say bye to someone but they had driven off... in the rain.. yes that sort of thing! This is following my sand disaster dream. So it’s all pretty weird,.

Meanwhile, the weather has been really nice. *waves* see you soon.

P.s. and a hello to bronwyn! and well, i use the night tablets at night just for extra oomph~ because i tend not to take any tablets in the day. The only tablets I take when necessary are nurofen.. . if i ask for them or you see me reach for them.. Hello joyce in trouble~ *byee*