Friday, December 30, 2005


Slightly lazy. Difficult to please. Things that need to be resolved in early 2006 is causing anxiety and moodswings.

Hence, I swam in the pool and would've had beer in hand had it not been for the fact I was by myself. Now I'm going to try this lemsip shower butter. *grins*

mental note: I left sunscreen at holly's. Buy some more.

Thursday, December 29, 2005


being slightly short-tempered, cba has to ask over 5 personal questions before they reset passwords - and of course i'm just frustrated because i realise i don't even know that much about my account with them. this is enough to make me consider with renewed serious contemplation to switch to hsbc. I mean, sure the questions are simple and i could have obtained the answer, but when i'm not in the vicinity of finding depressing statements and i need to pay a bill.. i'm vexed.

one of the problems is that i've had this account for over 15 years and i have lost control of the changes they make to it. I think i might go with hsbc. but of course, since i haven't got deposits to make.. i think i can defer the thought. It's like my penny pig at the moment. quite empty. quite fragile. and quite easily, i can change it. Hai. no loyalty. I think for these 15 years i've received an accumulation of interest worth all together and in grand total of $0.50. Which is fair enough since they don't charge fees - in fact i am sure it's not even worth their while having a small account like mine anyway. hmm. Even more reason for me to switch and end the pain.

*swears* if i can't transfer money out, i am not transferring money in.

and far out that teller that time told me to withdraw from the atm as opposed to her just giving me to money.. *sulks* i really really am inciting myself against cba. i'll do something about it in 2006.

I don't hate bad service, but i hate service that is incongruent to my mood. Like shop keepers who gives you some sort of repulsive attitude when you *have* to buy something and then you feel like you simply cannot buy it because it's the principle of the situation. So you send someone else to buy it. Before that becomes a neural pathway, i'll try not to get annoyed anymore. If someone gives me attitude (thinks of that girl in the vinegar shop in the qvb *shakes head* she was not made for Sales) I'll just tell them i'll come back later when they're in a good mood or when they're not there.

admittedly... we all have our bad days and bad customers. but like the saying goes, the customer is always right. If you let them irk you, they feel empowered about it. do what i do, walk away and take a break and call security.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


oh my poor feet from freshwater beach. Over-exposure to hot sand, salt scrubbing waves and salt water is somewhat painful. owwee.

the day begun as they normally do. I woke up. Didn't quite know what we were doing or when and waited for gabe to come get me. Specifically i woke up around 11am after falling asleep at 2ish since Holly came over that previous night (sunday) and we watched some movies with my family.

Anyhow the beach was excellent. Excellent. I mean, sure the waves did pretty much tear apart what i was wearing and so i was straggling to tie bows back up as more waves seemed to menace consciousness... but i survived and was so happy i was making sand angels when holly appeared at 1:50pm.

We both wandered down to the surf, she with surf board in tow, me with the foam body board.. (surf board was violent. smacks people. not very nice). Anyway, we stepped in the water and just stared at the waves that seemed to get bigger. Not so big as those real surfing waves, but standing mid depth in water, the waves were my height and crashing down with a frequency of 3.5 - 5 seconds. It's all fine if you're pleasantly bobbing in the water, but when you have to hold on to a board that holds the waves as it curls and dumps the lot of us... salt water in eyes, mouth and ears.. it can be quite defeating. but fun. *nods*

After wards we just dumped ourselves on our towels. I think we were sunbaking but I was more simply resting. You could hear the waves with your ear on the ground and twas so relaxing. *nods*

Then we showered and went to see Narnia. I thought some bits of the film were stretched out really long and some bits too short. It was interesting yes. Prior to seeing the movie, we were finding things to eat. I ended up eating 12 dumplings as we walked to mike's place wherein i just decided to lay on the couch and move as little as possible as the fire alarm was blaring.

Anyhow in Narnia i ended up moulding with the seat seeing as we were slightly late and ended up sitting 3 rows from the front. I liked the horse..

Then Happy Birthday Bronwyn. Tuesday went to Bronwyn's house. Loxi and Laura got there before I did. And Gabe came latest claiming he couldn't see my monged vehicle (yes i rear-ended someone on xmas eve going to holly's - i think i forgot to post about that. but there you go. *sniff* and i beat cream into butter which seemed to impress people *laughs* ah well..)

But yes at Bronwyn's we had a great time vegging out and watched The Ring and The Ring Zero. Which was quite scary.. and one one 200 metre stretch of Arterial Rd the lights were simply off and it was incredibly forest black. Those two sentences were unrelated but yes all was well and now i'm going to sleep.. *mutters to self and wanders off*

Friday, December 23, 2005


i can't justify $3000 for one *elective* subject. Or $4000 to defer payment for it. Hence at this late stage I have declined to enrol at usyd summer. Considering my application was submitted in mid-october, it would have been reasonable to expect a reply sooner than the very last day of working 2005. A first round offer perhaps? no not even a second because administratively it has simply been a nightmare. Certainly more so for them because they would have 100s of people to deal with. Perhaps that is the trouble. I ended up calling their Admin unit, their Hecs unit and subsequently the manager of usyd summer (this failed because they gave me the wrong extension number *joyce has a funny look on her face*. Their summer school is divided from the the rest of their usyd admin. All I can say i am so thankful that calling Admin and enrolments officer at the Law faculty of UTS (1) I got someone on the phone within 3 rings, (2) the can sort this out for me close to immediately. I mean usyd, your voicemail messages are very comprehensive and reads out everything on your website and allows one to leave a message. But you don't return calls and you tell people things are going to be fine when somehow 'fine' is greatly different.

If it's $4000 a subject, i can only regret I did not begin as a full-fee paying student in 2002 when it was NOT $4000 a subject. And an elective as well. Like, elective being something I really don't have to do... i know. Now I feel somewhat disiilusioned such that I feel I have been swindled of my time (2 months), phone calls (dozens worth - mostly unansuwered), photocopies, other people's time when I had to get things certified and stamps.. all this since mid october for a late offer. What's more I did check the fees and somehow i just couldn't work it out.

Going to uni now. or so in a moment. to sort out this matter. somewhat dispirited. don't want to talk to anyone.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Yay. 5 subjects over and not required to repeat. *grins* I can't say I'm too pleased about evidence law. But I woke up this morning at 5am thinking 'oh gosh - results..' and onestopadmin would not let me in due to their overloading traffic reasons. And you know how they say 're-login in 15 minutes' I kept trying every 15 seconds to absolutely no avail and then fell asleep dreaming that i could see my results in size 6 font tiny verdana print saying 'failed' and then i contemplated how I would not have to hassle sydney uni about the summer course which has not been finalised.. it's been like.. such a saga.. (i'm disappointed PR gave me a C only.. ah well that's over)

Last night was our lil kris kringle night. (kriz krinkle after a few drinks) *nods* and though quite a few of us (em, loxi, judy, laura, wendy, holly, pete, peter, mike, raf and rui), arrived to Una's around 6 we didn't order til 7 then ate til 8:50 and rushed off to karaoke to meet (anna, josephine, jim, pat, warner).

mm. there were some seriously crazy and LOUD moments. I only know that a certain loud someone kept telling jim that i cut three of their songs and getting me into trouble. all of us were thoroughly entertained and i just realised that i didn't hear the song 'Go west'.. if anyone has a clearer recollection they want to share please help me type it. I mean, i'm sure i can remember but just not right at this very moment.. and beer makes my short term memory very short term. I remember jim and pat wearing the xmas bonbon hats and some very very popular songs. Total eclipse of the Heart being a moody varied song had me nearly put my lung into disrepair.. oh oh and somehow i got a cut on my hand.. pat got burned.. mike got headlocked and squeeze (by pat).. jim got tripped (by the same culprit) by a curb.. anna and warner got hugged on different occasions (by the same culprit).

I have to say though, Mike was way funny. His "Let's go to Maccas" and then in maccas he professed high regard for his triple cheese cheeseburger and later was observed sitting with his arms up like a bird for at least 60 seconds.. for reasons that no one knows..

Me wonders whether jim got home alright with his .131 breath. Funny how we respond to his use of the breathalyzer as a game.. and (for bronwyn if she is reading this) in Galaxy on George i saw the Big one red button game!!!!!!!! *laughs*

anyway.. i am getting up and.. mm no i'm rolling over for an extra 20 mins or so ..

p.s. not happy caroline

Saturday, December 17, 2005


Well kringle shall be on tuesday.
Meanwhile, since last post, i've been wandering around doing miscellaneous things. Went to uni for those block classes and found out that that building has the issue of the wireless being completely open for all and any to use. I'm serious! no log in or whatever. But i found out on the last day and so i believe it would have been entertaining for people sitting behind us to see that all lap tops had misc programs on it. E.g. skype etc. Note: this was only in the parts the lecturer wasn't saying important things.

And furthermore, the room sits up to 60-80 people but has only 6 powerpoints. Of course a student brought in a 4 socket powerboard and that meant no one had to give up their computer but we all had to sit in pretty much the front row and the was cables galore. Amused me quite a bit.

The air conditioning was heaps cold though.

tuesday went to movies, thursday went shopping and subsequently dinner with holly and others. To keep explanations minimal, i realise we do talk quite loud. The funny moments included the changing colour vase that was purple in on end of the shop and then sky blue at the other end. We spent a long moment debating whether baby pink or pale violet was better. Taking a violet vase holly and i browse through aisles of doulton, villeroy and boch etc etc and then suddenly holly shoves the vase in my face and says "omg, Is This Blue?" I looked at her and said, "Yes. It .is blue." and then we were gaping "Huh?!?!" And walking between the two ends of the rooms it wen purple, blue, purple blue. It must have been due to temperatures? But then i grabbed a pink vase to see if IT would change colour and it did not.

Then later at the check out we were so shopping buzzed that i felt i was casting quick glances here and there and everywhere to see what else i may persuade myself to buy. Then it occurred to me that I must have looked like a criminal perhaps and tried very hard to restrain my eyes from picking out shiny bits of ribbon.

The only other comment i should make is that for some reason i'm reverting to the critical self i didn't feel i was entitled to be. but only in front of some people. I'm not usually mean, honest, but i can be selective of the offences that i take.. or just feel like bantering to disarm defences..

today, parent's friends came over. 3pm til midnight. The only thing i want to say is that there was a 2 - 2.5 year old boy there and Josephine, Alice, sabrina (his sister.. of around 7) was playing with him. Anyway, i was running around the backyard with him and jo and suddenly he threw up. Both of us were like "Oh my~~" but he didn't cry (aw.. such a soldier).. and to reassure him that he was ok I picked him up, vomit and all, to find a glass of water.. and i should go change my shirt yes.. *wanders off*

Sunday, December 11, 2005


*waves* yes that is me, scowly faced.

Firstly, drinks-immunity is deplorably low. Secondly, who turned off the heater? The weather was so much warmer than body temperature. It was like 38.4 and now it's like 26, so going bare back the other night was a bit cold. You tend to realise there is a problem when people are wearing cardigans. Yes, I was so jealous.

Nonetheless, that was friday night when holz, Ruiz, Raf and moi went to sing-a-long. The rooms in big echo and their equipment had some issues. We go off for a moment and return to find those silly boys singing by themselves in the dark. Reason? There was no remote to use the karaoke machine.. =_= mm But that was heaps of fun. Quite often we couldn't read the words at all, or simply do not recall the tune.

Thereafter the weather got colder, the waiting became longer and I had to wait for jade and that took so long I got excessively cranky that I was even close to being rude to people asking me for money on the street, had to settle for a seething angry look - but truly, felt so bad - who was I (someone getting angrier by the second after waiting for 90 mins) to give poor people attitude to... *sigh* later when we got the bus near home there were two kids seeking change for $5 and speaking to them i realised they just needed change to make a phone call so i just gave it to them. They wanted to give me $5 for $0.50... crazy kids. And previously i loaned my phone to some girl at the bus stop with no credit.. I think i was on a major low after reaching height of anger. Mental note, i hate being $0.10 short, without change, without phone and all those things that can be so taken for granted. And mental note 2: be careful if i get moody.

Anyhow, I was meant to have lunch with mike but i find that on these block classes we get 15 and 30 minutes breaks max and only. It meant not only i had to cancel lunch, which would have been a good thing, but i had to find somewhere to eat that would serve and let me eat within 30 minutes. I mean, places like kura would take 15-20 mins to make food, and some places just make me feel sad to be by myself at (buu).

Anyhow anyhow - xmas dinner friends.. details to be advised and discussed

And the year is ending soon.. buu

And I haven't received a letter to say i need to re-sit any exams.. either i passed or failed..

I need to move around or my limbs will go spastic.

Monday, December 05, 2005


Re: Saturday (happy birthday holz!)

It was just funny when jim finally turned up to drive me to holly's. It took me 40 mins to get ready - i call him and he says 'ok, i'll get ready now' and an hour later, he comes, by which time sean changed his mind and decided to come to the party. It begun a frazzling day where making numerous calls were all non-assisting and generally.. blah i won't mention this - it's not important.

Then began the interesting drive where Jim continually utters expletives over 'the bitch' which is the car's GPS thingy. He went off about how annoying 'she' was. And then, well, we gave jim the wrong directions and so he starts cursing us and frantically plugs some buttons of the GPS 'why isn't this bitch talking to me now?! we're lost..'

Nonetheless we made it. And we turned out to be less loss than Gabe who decided to try and locate us without the aid of a map even though the area was unfamiliar. Logical? I don't think we can apply that here (or anywhere on this blog)(it's simply incongruent *nods*)

At the party there were clusters of people. In the end, we decided to go with the crazy bunch. *laughs* well the bunch with people playing cards and breaking social mores camping on the grass with mike who would've been a happy boy if he had a golf club, anna who looked gorgeous as normal, tian who was tian.. but yes, even jim joined in the card games though he claims it bugs him at his parties. But as they were losing to sean and motivating each other to win with insults, we could hear holly's description of photos she was showing others from her room..

And then somehow i glimpsed a reclining person in the most feminine pose and further incongruities struck me. A flirtatious pose, great curves, the look of comfort and deep conversation with another boy. I'm not sure why i let myself dwell on the thought that much so as to laugh uncontrollably. yes yes i saw the worried glances.

thereafter the night cruised steadily along and i dozed in the Roger rabbit flick, watched Coach Carter, dozed in Kill Bill and just winked out during Scream. I recall the beginning of that last film... and then the credits.

later in the morning, we all woke up and took the extra discretionary 30 minutes to loaf around before *really* getting up. I managed to voice some recurring issues and i realise that perhaps i have whinged about it so much i really do forget i have whinged previously. I will stop that to extent possible.

in the afternoon met sean for coffee. it turned out to be an excursion to dee why. they have good rock pools *nods*. I remember in high school science we had to draw pictures of all the organisms we saw. thus we drew weeds and labelled them appropriately "weeds". but sunday we saw many midget hermit crabs, urchins and anenomes, fishies, crabs, starfishies and one large sea slug. *big grin* i have never seen a sea slug like that. and star fish had 8 legs and one had 5 legs. they have teeth underneath in the centre. quite a scary thing. and they can move by wriggling in a very cute manner.

i had to remember to ask CC where there are glow in the splash squid eggs? mm. yes, must ask. *nods*

Then today went to Wesley..
*crawls away to bed*

Friday, December 02, 2005


I'll keep this brief. I don't have much to say about the matter. Australia is not better than her neighbours. Singapore is a sovereign nation. (As is Indonesia.) There is no view of the matter that can be presented that no one cannot fail to understand, and that others would not fail to oppose. Everyone has reasons for their view, therefore i agree with your reasons and remain free to my view. Reasoning stem from different bases which are reasonable and rational and perhaps well informed. I don't think I'm well informed. The media is made up of people just as a government is made up of people. I don't feel inclined to dwell on what one reporter says, I prefer to remember that in all matters such as these, in the distance I can see a person trying to speak to us, trying to make us understand, trying to argue their case.. and it's all filtering, distorting, taking higher pitches or lower tones. I'm interested but wary, and just very sad. I generalise and see three classifications that has occured, you can see Van as a person, the media blitz or a statistic. the death penalty won't change because of a media or statistics.

I don't pretend to know what i'm talking about. And to clarify, my view is not that the media is wrong or can be better in any way - there are too many issues that i just could not ever really know unless I went to seek and see what is happening for myself. Asia, India, Africa, America etc. But more poignantly, I do know that we have issues where we are - some comparatively petty, some equally abhorrent and under-resourced.. but sigh, we are all very upset equally about matters great and small, some actionable and some with which we are powerless, and for some of us, though we actually really feel a fit of passion, we forget that we do nothing. Rather than send sms for ballots or votes or whatever reason, you could do something small like deposit that 20c somewhere..

I was just thinking, no point feeling something or telling me you feel something if you don't show it or prove it to yourself.


Current height: 162.5cm
Current weight: 49 kg

I gained a kilo. Buffet sashimi and meet barbequing in Suminoiya was crazy. Martin told me that Mike went their regularly for his atkin's diet. *laughs* it was heaps fun. Though the entertainment wasn't bad either! Chrisoroo had one arm around Jack's chair, ordered 3 platters of meat for himself and proceeded to use the other arm to continually cook for himself and feed Jack at the same time.

now now, i am not insinuating Chris is partial to Jack, they acted brotherly. *nods* but I was entertained. A typical 2 minutes of conversation would be "you idiot" "you're hair's on fire" "miku did you drop Jack when he was born" "Who ordered me 4 bowls of rice?" "Watch my chicken" "I drank too much water" "No, miku you must have been dropped on Jack when he was born" "you're hairs on fire" "I said watch my chicken! don't burn it and give it to me raw!" and that went on for an hour. =)

Then there was the scene were Chris hangs on to the graspy thing in the car bemoaning about how full he is, singing (Mariah's) "I can't liiiiiiiiiiiiiiive.. if living is without Super (aka Miku).." And then to prevent this Jack from behind *yanks* his seatbelt and there was a mighty struggle. Then along the way we took some speed bump ridden roads with sharp corners and the boys .. well they complained to say the least.

But not to deny you a full account on my morning, there i was waking up late. nothing interesting about that. Missed doctor's appointment - dashed to uni and was going to go personally to Usyd to sort of a 'matter' but then i thought i would be late meeting Gabe (to go to Wesley mission and assist with their preparations for xmas gift giving) and therefore put the 'matter' in the post and ended up waiting for Gabe for 40 minutes.

Then he, v, j and i ended up waiting for another hour. (I haven't put their names because I haven't got permission and well, meh). Anyway I was sorting things in their.. shed.. for lack of a better word and i was bitten by a few mosquitoes which really frustrated me. Good thing i had cream from gin-induced-rash-poisoning. the boys threatened to tie me up with tape just to see how allergic to adhesive i was. =(

But all was well. Oh as gabe's brother came along, i caught a lift with other Wesley people to parramatta road to head back to the city. and that was that.

Then after an adjournment of time, we met at der rathaus steps and went along to harry potter. I thought it wasn't bad but of course i have no benchmark to judge it at all. for more details perhaps Holz put up more details. I thank Peter and Loxi for accompanying me hehe.

meanwhile i have to go pick up josephine who's coming over to look around.