Thursday, June 30, 2005

rain rain

Wow. it's so damp everywhere. mm. I have been wandering the streets and shops. A$1 buys HK$5.6. I'm told that is good. For people to buy A$ it costs 6.2. But anyway. I think the apprehension regarding my financial status is a bit of an issue. For those who don't remember from my previous posts - savings doesn't seem to happen for me. And that is Bad because, as it has been put to me before, I really don't have mandatory expenses to worry about. *shakes head*

I'll have to make changes when I return.

Meanwhile, my knees are sore. But still I love this rain. Even if the humidity is still 99.9%. Yaa.. impossible to pleeease wakeruu~ (winks)

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


OMG. Unholy humidity. I think I have lost half a kilo just getting from Hong Kong Airport to my Aunt's house. Feeling this, I am looking forward to hopefully cooler summer climate in Hamburg later. Yay.

Meanwhile, if you are wondering why I am online and all. There is wireless here. Don't know whose. Don't know where. But it is working for me. Now I am only hoping that my Aunt has an adapter so that I can charge my mac. Souka. Skype me skype me.

There's nothing much I can say about the flight. I think I had a migraine so that was annoying. I got to sit in the aisle seat next to what may appear to be an Italian man of say, 60. (Smashing) Surely he didn't mean to elbow me a few times, but clearly he doesn't like the seats. He was leaning on my side and then leaning on the windows etc. It's not that it seems uncanny, more like he just had an uncanny way of doing it. And he was very eager to get up when we landed. I wouldn't have minded sitting there waiting for the over-eager ones to stream out. BUT he was poking me with his luggage, not only out of the seat but all the way along the aisle to the exit. Buu. *sniff* It was because of this I gave the poor Cathay staff tart looks - looks they didn't deserve ne. Ah well.

I'm sweating like crazy. I'd go down to the local shopping mall just to browse, but I don't know when my aunt may return. Just remembering the flight is making my head hurt. BUT yes, I managed to catch the bus here to Nth Point all by myself AND get off at the correct stop AND managed to walk in the correct direction.. after walking in the wrong direction.. but Hey, celebrating the small wins remember..? ta ta *waves*

Monday, June 27, 2005


Hai. I am packing. Not taking all that much.

Tonight I am going to watch ALL of chobits hoping that I'll be so tired I'll just be comatose on the plane. *nods*. It's not that I don't like or don't not like flying, there's just too much time for me to ponder about things and then I become very easily vexed and confused. Plane food is always a controversial topic of conversation. Sometimes they serve things I like, but the aroma just makes me can't eat it.

mm. my thoughts at this moment
* I'll miss you
* You can call my phone, but it'll be with my sister
* mm. my room is still a mess

Friday, June 24, 2005

tidying up

hmm. i like the music that accompanies me when cleaning up my room on a cloudy, rainy day. Not that it's any different to what I listen to normally. I've been told that I don't have taste in music. Fair enough. It's more what a song reminds me of and makes me feel. And there are a few moments when those songs with heaps of cardiac-arrest-inducing base is also good. (laughs)

Thursday, June 23, 2005


I dedicate this post to Mike. He likes computers and photoshop. I think. You may have to read all his self-reflections to find out. While you're there, please post "Hello Joisu" on his message board to prove you contributed to his faulty counter.

Meanwhile, I am so tired. So so tired. Tired, beyond being able to speak. Too tired to realise I could feel warmer. Post-ca·thar·sis. And I don't quite remember all the reasons why. It's good to finally be able to shelve all the things that have formed chaos in my room.

E is just commenting to me that I am already sounding like I'm nostalgic about the Tower. It is an interesting observation. Everyone compensates and negotiates with the spaces you frequent, right, so nothing wrong with ithere. Well. I can say that *now* because it's holidays~ *claps*

The fallacy of me buying things and thinking to myself "it bought this for me" doesn't work anymore. 'It' referring the place that hands me my pay cheques.. Because increasingly I find that .. yes the idea doesn't really work. I like buying things for other people.

early morning

I'm tired. Have been rummaging through my wardrobes finding clothes for my sister who can wear those items better than me *AND* look better than me in them.. Oh the inequality~

Monday, June 20, 2005

:: Equity ::

Ureshii ne~~ hon to ni! mwamwa~~*

I have The NEW object of my affection - until Thursday anyway!
*hugs* It's what I refer to as 'Joisu's Exam Guide for Equity and Trusts'. Printed a few pages of paper, some no exactly edited to perfection [but that's ok~ It doesn't ever have to be perfect perfect~* just close. very close], gave it a coloured cover and bound it... =D *happy happy* yo katta~~

Peter kindly contributed to it as well. His summaries are 3 pages long, mine are 10 pages. (0_o)~? Ok, maybe his is an exam guide, and my is a mere keepsake for this subject..? (so there you go, if you want notes, you know who to ask! *points* to peter..)

Unfortunately, unlike 'Joisu's Exam Guide to the Law of Torts' it's not printed on colour paper. Buu. But this should do to keep me focused.

(P.s. No i haven't tested it's usefulness yet. But you have to celebrate the small wins ne~~* ta ta~)

Friday, June 17, 2005

no complaints

You'll be pleased to know that it's really cold and I got tired of whinging / fuming / outcrying / waving my arms / and casting dry dry looks. (I can't help the looks - coffee is dehydrating.)

In fact~ I'm at quite a low point and it should all be uphill from here. Souka~~ I think it must've been from work and the fact that everyone started being somewhat Catty. Apparently it's a girl thing and about the way we think, especially when it comes to us criticisng and looking beneath our tactfulness (or actual lack thereof) amongst ourselves
(pause) (semi-raised eyebrow) - - - Yes, we know, over it, stop reminding us, because, we do keep count. I've been thinking about relocating my labour elsewhere. Hmm. But I hadn't anticipated to do that this year. Not that I anticipated I'd be one subject down this semester and generally as lost and absent-minded as ever.. *nods* Talking about my scheduling, how boring can I get?~~* Aw. Be nice.

What else is new? Not much. No free time before exams. Buu.

BUT AFTER - - - I reckon after exam find a happy hour. Spend a day watching films, fine dining on couch and snoozing. Play scrabble, be nice to everyone i've been (and will be) mean to in the upcoming days.. Then with spare moments I'll pack bits of me to amble overseas.

P.s. I do like bacon and egg mcmuffins lots.
P.P.s The soup place I use like eating in relocated to Wynyard
P.P.P.s Yes I'm not much of a food connoisseureuse.
P.P.P.P.s BBQ? - at mine - I am thinking that one person bring a open flame bbq thing.. another may bring takoyaki .. another may bring marshmellows.. it's so cold in arvo/night. Can we bbq fish tofu? =D marhar~*

Monday, June 13, 2005

sexy voice

Well. Today I managed to drive to Holly's with a trusty map! It took a lot longer than I anticipated, and I stopped to refuel. BUt I made it there. Yay~ Coming back was easier. But I still turned off to go via the city rather than the tunnel? I dunno, it just happened! But no worries~ (good thing when the fuel got to $45 I got stingy and stopped filling, because when i drove off the gauge was saying Full!~ Viola~ Saved myself from overflowing petrol scene. *winks*)

But yes! It was heaps fun! Yay~ My responsibility was to courier discardable paper to the recycle bin 6 metres away. Some people suggested the bin move to where we were sorting, but that would have amounted to a retrenchment of my usefulness, so of course I opposed such a ridiculous suggestion!~~~*

Lots of exciting things happened. But I'm sure I'll talk about it if I see you and if you mention it. So I can't put 7 hours of crazy babble here. Unlike the 'creepy 4' scene we avoided that other time. Today was more a 'Super duper happy four' team. *nods* Holly and I managed to put handles on her cabinet thing all by ourselves and without the aid of architects whose usefulness is not really proven.. [hahahaha - if you're an architect reading this... haha.. chill ne.. =) ]

Holly discussed her five criteria for men.. I think I may post up my criteria soon. But haven't thought too closely about it. BUT I did decide that i like men with sexy voices. That way i wouldn't mind calls at 4am saying goodnight. Although more likely I'd be asleep. They'd have to be my friend of course. Unfortunately, since I have always been very attached to my friends anyway, I know i easily get hopelessly confused about feelings. So I guess there'd have to be sparks, you'd brighten up my day (even if my day was already great~). you'd have to be very forgiving and supportive of things like lateness, lacking senses in direction... and you'd have to be warm.

it's easier to talk about characteristics I'm against; like being uber skinny, uber honkie and having more fragrances and face/hair care products than me or if your hobby is sitting at net cafes or if sense of humour is lacking etc.. or if you have some strange fetish that you omit to inform me about.. or if you are unforgivingly undiplomatic etc~~

.. time for a nap.. of about 6 hours..


Saturday, June 11, 2005

bit under 50kg

Yes that is me, a bit under 50kg. That's quite heavy. And I felt it when I ambled home just now. Leaning on pillars, poles (if they were clean) starts to seem very attractive at times! swinging my bag crazily as I walk kept the momentum to keep going. *sigh*. Sometimes I forget it's June~ It'll be December before I know it. That's crazy~~~~~~* Have so many days gone by? Indeed they have. mm. time is such a conceptual rubric. I don't feel much has happened or that has been progress, balances don't increase, tastes don't change and yet time keeps going by..

Yes in addition to having someone VNC the PC i was logged into yesterday - OH I WAS SO ANGRY ITD better hope it wasn't them - stay out of my way when I'm livid, then please catch me when I have spent all my energy being angry... - but now today I got hassled by security - do I look underage? What is their problem? I guess I dressed as if I was underage. mm. But if I started casting acid looks everywhere, I'm sorry. It's been a long day. Scribing for 4 hours wasn't that fun. It's sorta a bit strenuous if the student isn't dictating their answer but reading selected chunks of paragraphs and judgments where every word are lengthly spelling nightmares like commitment, proliferation, proletariat, bicameral, ... , but never mind. Hope they do well. Then I spent three hours wondering who would grab a bite with me because I was hungry. If i have to eat by myself, I'm going home.

I ate lots. I was so tired.

Came home to see a car in the driveway with the boot open. Reached out and took look at number place, froze and considered what my options were. 1) go inside and face parent's friends who are SOO not funny and annoying guests or 2) go inside the house and hide in the TV room - risk being found or 3) I dunno i couldn't think of any other options. I thought I'd leave their boot open but then if their battery died for some reason as the lights remained on, i'll mean they'll be around for Longer~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*YADA~. not taking chances. Their one year old daughter is very cute though, but I can't play with her because her parents can only be faced by me in a happy mood. The guy in particular says the most presumptuous things and so one time I muttered under my breath but everyone heard 'God, you are trivially annoying' and - I never got reprimanded by parents (got reprimanded by sister for having failed self-control) but yeah~~ buu it's because I'm tired (*cries*) (waves. ta ta).

Friday, June 10, 2005

nothing profound

ich bin im die bibliothek. 15 minuten freizeit.

yes nothing profound has happened lately. I am not that organised. Have been waking up each day at around 10am. Ambling off the miscellaneous prearranged things. And I am more motivated to work on things if my room is clean - and damn it isn't. buuu. It never will be! Not yet anyway! Because there are so many distracting things everywhere.

Meanwhile my sister has wondered why i seem so tart to people. I'm not tart. We had a 'you have a problem''no YOU have a problem''NO you have a PROBLEM" conversation. I just have so few hours to work on equity exam guide - my version. It has to be brief. It has to be succinct. It has to be colourful, readable, interesting... Has to have content.. the usual.

but yay. I just realise that for some relationships with people, it does seem quite apparent that one party puts in more than the other. And usually that is acceptable and bearable.. but then you see them going beyond their capacity to others and think 'oh really, they don't have time for me ne'.. Mo ii yo~ * (smilu smile smilu)

Saturday, June 04, 2005


Yesterday was a long day. And I only woke up in the evening when i scrubbed troubles away from my face with checks and balances, out of trouble, and never a dull moment. It was one of those days I woke up, realised nothing important was going to happen, dragged myself out not really feeling that great and came home thinking I could've handled the day more positively. *nods*

therefore~~~~~ the aim of this post is to remind self that all those things, like the favourite fragrance, mascara, something to wear that makes you feel special even if other people think it looks bad (like squishy my tiger thing I use as a clutch~ meeheehee~) yes all these things change moods. So all such purchases like loofahs, mintie body wash, plush towels, eye creams, shoes, lingerie, lip gloss all such things~ are good things.

I think I'll take squishy to germany.. my theory is no one steals candy from a baby, so no one steals a soft-toy looking clutch from a girl ne~

(cough - meanwhile.. assignments) *bounces away~*

Thursday, June 02, 2005

keeping warm

*nods* I'm keeping warm.
I have four blankets on my bed. I should just get one thick blanket. But I'm saving that one for when I really need it. And it's 15'C which is actually not uber cold. mm. no no it's cold. buu.

iiyyyaaAaaAaaaa.. i'm feeling reflexive and pensive. Buu~uu~uu~~

mm. I'm having one of those moments where I kind of feel like i've lost inspiration for what i'm doing. Like suddenly something is missing. Before, I intended to buy an optus pre-paid recharge card for Jade, but somehow it turned out to be a vodafone one. buu. It's a good thing she has both phones, but now I have to get her the other one later. buu. That's what I get for shopping in a dazed manner with my sister.

But meanwhile, I have no plans tomorrow. Working half a day and then a lecture. maybe fit part of assignment there. I also put up my schedule for June. So you can click 'locate me' and have a look at what it's like to be me staring at my mac sometimes. And really, you can show me the nicest computer ever, but as soon as I see microsoft windows, I'm not impressed. ^_^ who am I kidding, i use IBM all the time.. which is why i love my novel mac. yay.

p.s. I just noticed i was running 8 programs.. i need to buy more RAM..

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

no ladder for yoouuu

yoohoo. The title is of this post is derived from a conversation between Pete, Jay and Holly . And honestly, we do have a passion for metaphors. We have a whole field metaphor going with friends, are they in the furthest quarter or the closest quarter, who can you trust to safeguard your goal. mm. And for some reason i'm reminded that JB told me 'It's not about winning, it's about not losing.' Tangential.

we also mentioned there is a good ladder, a well worn ladder and one ladder where you grease the rungs. But this aside -because I don't think you want to use your mind to investigate the possibilities of these metaphors - and meanwhile Emanuel tells me his apartment in Hamburg is available for my use when i'm going and so i'm tossing up between the youth hostel and a place by myself? or with others? Sou desu... choices~

Tres Interessant. Holly challenged me to meet a German guy within first 10 days of stay. die idee ist sehr anteil. Aber ich weisse nicht. bachelorette but happy. And that's a month a way and for 3ish weeks. come on~ I'm more excited about staying with my cousin for 3 days in England because those three days are absolute free days - can't wait to laugh at German and English pigeons.

i wonder whether anyone would be happy to part with a few large denominations of english pounds for my use and with no strings attached..?
