Sunday, August 28, 2005


silly me~

today i went through my box of sentimental things which is all about me me me. And I also went through that other box about others. Pretty much I managed to merge them and or get rid of things. So on the one hand it's all me me me and *more* me. That in itself is pretty boring. On the other, it's got a few vagrant recollections that are more fond that unhappy.

For some reason, in some tangents, when you are objective you are more flexible. There is no forgetting, there is no forgiveness but truly there is no known. And it's too late. But everyone you know and like or like less, test you for who you are. While I may not know properly or at all who you may be, and though I hope to know people well, and of course sometimes i doubt who i am also (hence i have this box you see...*winks*...*laughs*) and of course you may doubt, the solution is simply don't be who you are not.

But then the issue is, am I not the one who wrote all these manuscripts of... scrawl. Indeed I am. But i have thrown some of it out. Reminders about the ashen footpath from before, knowing it would've happened like that anyway.. yes a chain of causation. But give yourself a break~ *winks*

I forget what i'm saying.
*hums to self*

You and I that day we agreed
That we'd stop and turn upon our heel
And walk fifty paces
Towards different places
Not looking back once
Stepping forth, to let courage taste us
Letting our thoughts fill that space between us
Memories to move on like the autumn breeze

You didn't stop me running!
I didn't have the breath to reach you anyway!
You turned and heard me calling..your name..
Kanashii love story..


locate me

I somewhat have a timetable now. it took me four weeks. But yes. locations generally confirmed and updated. about time too.

Saturday, August 27, 2005


Happy birthday to DDVC.
Yesterday after a shift in senso where i hadn't been for 2 months, i went home to think about my poster and then to Broadway for dinner with the girls. After dinner, picked up a coffee and laura drove me home. Spent the night working on my poster which was worth close to zero. Went to uni at 9, did my 10 minute speech in lunch hour that was where marks would be allocated, garbled all those 'things' at the class *waves vaguely*. Wow. they were looking at me as i was in the wrong place. Crisis management *nods*. *laughs* Class closed at 6pm. Caught bus home. Missed my stop. *ahh* that feeling you get when you wake up wondering where you are is quite.. unique.

*laughs* i love living in this retirement area ne. I missed my stop by like 5 stops. But here, all the stops are close together *winks*.

Here, now i have paper strewn over my whiteboard i put on the floor. I might have to clean up a bit tomorrow.

I am also thinking I do not wish to return to senso for much more work. I've known the place since yr 12, but this is the third complete supervisional change that has occurred. When I use to have shifts with the owner and Leigh, it was sooo good. It is only because of that experience I have stayed there. Seriously, in all this time the pay raise has been +$0.18 - so trust me, it's not attractive, and now apart from some familiar faces, my direct supervisors have changed. The one I didn't get along with for 'cultural' reasons, I don't ever wish to deal with again (She has issues *nods*). They have all climbed up only because they have FT availability. The other two are fine, but they have suddenly taken to power. I was spoken to as if I was new.. when I had been there double the years they have. Fair enough, I don't mind being briefed - but...*rolls eyes*. It's still a trendy place, but I'm not going to get much from it all apart from the changed vibes there.

i'm tired.

Friday, August 26, 2005


Ooh la. Holly bought a pretty dress - so now *I* want a pretty dress. So there i was going to a quaint shop near where I live. And it's between St vincent de paul and a kebab shop... let me repeat that, it is between St Vinnys and a kebab shop~~ and *gushes* seriously that dress is pweety~~ but a skirt caught my eye first.. I was 'ooh la'.. Pweety Pweety ne.... totemo~~~~ it was dainty twinkly fairy style, loose layers of gauzey satin, pretty with sparkly baubles and sequins, AND THAT was just a skirt.. not even *the* dress in question. Price tag $599. *googly eyes*


Thursday, August 25, 2005

90 mins

Yes. Hellu. What *do* i *do* on a day with 90 minutes of class. Yes, it's a huge conspiracy.

Today we went to yum cha. Now it was intended to be a gathering to last see E before she departs for Amsterdam - alas it could not be arranged because all our peers (*shakes head* law girls.. i mean *real* law girls.. as opposed to were all busy. Technically i have all this time for my thing due Saturday and I decide to go to lunch and coffee.

So as mike says, Holly and I arranged to meet for lunch at noon, but we were running late. More accurately, we were 'on our way' for times longer than we anticipated. The explanation i always use is "Sorry I undestimated my walking speed". But it was hilarious. Mike and I was waiting outside the restaurant for a while so as to avoid the sitting in there harassed but ordering very little sort of scenario. We were chatting - or I was talking all over the place. then when i got tired we went in.. sat there.. and accusingly i said "Mike! So boring eating with you! No variety!" (we had ordered four things.. and we struggling to eat it all - we ate one.. of them). Yes, then Howard came, Holly and Atsuko arrived and Gabe came also. Not that late as well, comparatively. Ah. so exciting.

Afterwards Holly and Gabe had to go move their cars. Atusko, mike, howar and me at GJs randonly talking and trying to stay awake. Well me and atsuko by ourselves *still* waiting for holly and gabe were trying *v* desperately to stay awake. When ta da~ Holly wanted to buy a dress and.. to keep a long story short - we bought the dress and ended up at Myer with a time limit of 30 minutes.. where me and holly spent the entire duration in intimate apparel with Gabe deciding to look at other things. Shopping was successful. We dashed back to uni by which time i was like.. ooh la.. something is not right (think Madeleine *laughs*).

6pm. thought i had my 90 minutes of class. Peter who was there told me it started at 7pm. He was correct. (*yada~*). Of the whole day i choose to attend the latest class. This is followed by the dizzying motion of starting at time ticking off so slowly dominated the 90 minutes of class. I didn't notice holly staring at our class through the window. *laughs* that is so typically me.. so unaware..wakatte..

After class.. i wanted to go home.. home is good.. i could have started seeping a few tears.. but instead i collapsed on a couch in the business area and then decided to test my pain threshold by walking to oporto with holly.. we talked.. very loudly.. and ranged a far-reaching assortment of topics..

it's late. i'm tired. i feel pain. *crawls away*
See you 03 September if not earlier.

p,s i received a letter from yang. ne.. tsugo wa warui.. i'll open it later.. days later. gomen.

Sunday, August 21, 2005


Firstly, I can't find my glasses. I have checked most of the places I would habitually abandon them - unsuccessfully. So I am wearing these new ones knowing how terrible my vision is becoming.

as a first reflective statement, let me just ponder about myself. am i just overcompensating for a lot of loss this year? am i actually progressing and if i am why do i feel so stuck? bubblegum stuck.

But yes - Jim's Party on Friday Night

The evening started off with Bunny deciding not to go. Souka. While i am always supportive of my friends (or so i try to be), is it that when you are supportive of something, you reinforce that it's ok to be like that. Is that why sometimes i make people even more unhappy and sulky just by being there? I don't disapprove and I respect your feelings - but i'm just thinking is that why.. some things in my life have resulted in me feeling better though equally upset in quarantining some friendships? Anyway there are a few issues here.

But anyway - that was how sober and thoughtful I was at Jim's before Holly and Warner arrived. Oh - but to *find my way* to Jim's, I was driving and saw this 'Asian' car fly around between three lanes. It was Pat. I was flashing my lights at him like crazy but obliviously he stopped at Shell. Anyhow - there I thought someone could show me how to get to jim's thru carlingford. How wrong I was *nods*. Firstly, Pat drives like a maniac. Darting around all three lanes and *behind* over sized vehicles (laughs) and squeezing *between* two cars when in front of him his lane (far right, i might add) was free. Seriously, it looked like someone on the far right suddenly urgently needing to take a left turn out of le blue at *every* intersection! And I thought he just wanted to annoy me. BUT anyway, the inconsiderate one sped through a yellow light and left me somewhere lost. mental note: going via beecroft is probably faster.

I had been debating the whole night, whether I would go or stay. Grace, Tian and Mike had to go. Some excuse about needing to play video games as a social item. I'm amazed. It's exactly what i mean, boys will be boys. I think I'm getting use to that fact now. Anyhow Tian did me a great favour by telling me to eat semi-cooked char-burnt beef instead of the very delectable looking semi-cooked char-burnt pork. And the chicken wings and sausages looked as crispy as sticks. It was great! this is the fourth year i've witnessed and Jim still can't cook~ *laughs* And yes - because i felt a tinge of guilt to see Holly and Warner coming all this way during the middle of the night - we had to at least make sangria and then after, it was only reasonable to depart to uni from Jim's in the morning. Anna also stayed remarkably long for someone in command of all her senses. Bravo.

Other highlights included me getting in trouble for being noisy, we're all playing Black Jack and saying "hit me!!~" to brett-the-dealer even though our cards added to 20, Brett and Anna wanting to punish me badly because we had a punishment rule for our card game -*sniff* they were mean but i ran away *laughs* i'm a bad sport, i believe i was singing very poorly, we talked a lot, jim lay there demolished, then at 7:45 am we cleaned up a bit and departed.

Then began our trip searching for macca's. *laughs* Brett was our quasi-navigator AND reassuringly he turns the map around. *nods* I approve! But, there holly was cruising around 80 in 50 residential zones in the rain. Then even as I was going 100 on one of those highways, she was wayyyyyyyyyy ahead AND our gap was getting bigger in that 70 zone. And I almost lost sight of her a few times. She did some of the unconvincingly lane changes too. *laughs* Anyway at maccas I noticed I had around $4.50. *cries* i checked netbank and including expenditure yesterday i have withdrawn.. a lot. never a time under 3 digits... over the past week and i'm left with $4.50!?!?!?!?!?!?!?..... how...?? i will have to play this semester conservatively, and eat tofu teriyaki daily. *nods*

Okay - class was fine...... ............... < yes that is a lot of dots.

Re: Chris' Party on Saturday Night

Then I came home - got ready - went to Chris' party. And oh my, how can he drink so much beer with no reaction? *nods* And I haven't seen him this happy for a while - In fact I haven't seen him for a while!! I also saw MK who i hadn't seen for 2 years. As soon as I saw him we started ticking off un-actioned debts - xmas cards etc etc! It was hilarious! MK was always the reliable one, he never ever goes back on his word - or so that's what I think. Chris was pretty crazy, by that i mean explainably happy but unexplainably sober all in one. especially though i saw him drink bier like water. When Rita left, I had in my possession 10 drink coupons. Now, as a matter of principle, i intended to have all 10. But i had 7 and i faltered. I recalled I still had to be able-bodied to drive.

Oh i go eat dinner~ yay

Saturday, August 20, 2005

washing line

*Oro* - I Am very tired. I shall give myself more moments before I say things that may be too ridiculous. Like the fact I'm lumbering around uni after not having slept more than 3 minutes at a time accumulating a whopping 20-30 minutes. *winks* closing my eyes or eye feels really good. *nods*

I just realised that Chris' party specified semi-formal and that's for tonight. He has allocated times 6:30 to 1:30. *blinks* I nearly forgot. So I'll have to go home and shower and change later, which will be like deja vu because I did that yesterday..

*blinks* Oh My~ I left my bowl at Jim's~ *laughs* (and I would laugh manically too - but it hurts) *laughs**winces* A bit of support would go a long way right at this moment. *nods*

Friday, August 19, 2005

not good

*sniff* I think there is something wrong with my mac.. *cries*

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

two words

The Two Words for today are: Door Etiquette.

*shakes head* Please, know or learn the rules about opening doors. All the princesses and pansies are disrupting my good vibes.

Meanwhile, how can 5 subjects over 6 days be so difficult to arrange. *shakes head* no I haven't been able to update routine locations. I'm am soooo close though. It will be a relief. souka *sniff* i can get soo confused that it's cry worthy. *laughs*

I Am Completely Serious About The Door Thing. *nods*

*skips away*

Monday, August 15, 2005

plastic bag

oh. I make an extra note about how i need to use clean plastic bags to make cookies. It's partially because I don't like getting the whole of my hands super greasy (i know *professional* people wouldn't get the *whole* of their hands greasy - but i'm a happy cook) AND the clincher is that my medical-studying brother doesn't like seeing me touch his food. He is okay about it now (you should have seen him making his ricotta cheese cake) but since I've been into cooking since 12.. I've grown up with an anti-bacterial and anti-touch-my-food person my whole life.

Also, the extra extra amazing thing is that I made cookie dough with a fork!

if that doesn't amaze you, well I'll have to try harder next time ne. *shrug*

I was going to use wooden chopsticks like i normally do, but at Holly's Gabe and Warner couldn't find any. So viola, a fork stirring and whacking and beating and turning. Viola, cookie dough. Scoop into bag. Knead and bash. Scoop into shape and bake. Tis easy. Was saving some for bunny, but Jade ate them all.

An extra note about my brother and sister. I love how I'll know them my whole life. I love that we're so different and that they'll always be around. It amuses me to know my brother knows me and those times preceeding my appearance, just as I remember the times before my sister sprung into our lives. It's hilarious. So many laughs about the things we did in our childhood. The extra memories we don't know but that we believe and makes us here today as we are. Family ne~. These things that can make me draw tears. Growing up wasn't easy - It's still not.. and so I am excessively grateful to them and my close friends for always helping me out.... *hugs*

Yup. You know who you are~~~ See you soon!! *winks*

Sunday, August 14, 2005


Which colour m&m's do you eat first?

Okay. so maybe you aren't as eccentric as me. I open the packet completely (where possible, e.g. small packets in class or cinemas are not possible, then I pick all the green ones and eat them all first. Green, yellow, orange.. well whatever I feel like. Blue always last. I don't like those. *laughs* I don't care that they taste the same. I don't even think it's rational. But la di da. Speckled ones are also towards the end.

Yesterday, I went to Holly's place. Gabe kindly agreed to drive us there. I made it sound like he has no choice anyway and his excuses (there were many, most of which were logically in his favour too, fell on deaf ears.) I must say that Gabe's sense of direction is almost as good as mine *nods*. Not good, no. *shakes head*.

But it got me thinking, you notice more about people after they change, then you realise you have a preference for their pre-changed self. It's a comfort level thing perhaps. And also, the closer I am with some friends, the more I try to get away demanding conduct. It appears the trend is, you agree once, then it creates an expectation. On the other hand, I don't ask for much and am easily disappointed - and it's the disappoint I don't forget. Hai.

But yes, at Holly, Warner, Gabe and me had a great time in the kitchen. *beams* the boys chopped fruit and stood around (*laughs*), Holly made excellent spiced wine and I made cookies. We were getting a fondue thing going and I wanted to bake a banana with choc chips but met some resistance. So they baked apples instead. Just like in the car poor Gabe said that e didn't get to finish his lunch.

go back a step
Gabe told me at 2:30 (when I was expecting him) that a) he hadn't eaten, b) that Josh and Vias were going to his house and c) that he had to be back in CW by 1830. I say, a) eat something on the way or at Holly's, b) put note on his door telling his friends to go home and c) 1830? He said c) 1900.. my response: hmm. He said c) 1930? Anyway, he was stalling for time in case I would announce that my mum or brother returned with a vehicle. But anyhow, the fact is he came and it would have been different if he wasn't there. Matt and Holz mum both said "Who's that" because we were all just helping ourselves in the kitchen and we all went to steak+uber with others last time. But yes - in the car Gabe said he was hungry, I gave him some shapes and he complained that he didn't like sour cream.. then i said, well there are 2 bananas i wanted to bake. WAH. the car almost swerved and he said "WHHat?". something along the lines of being wasteful and he insisted on eating it raw and fresh. But yes. you have to know gabe to see the humour.

Gabe left. We collected and ate pizza. Watched movie. Then we sang karaoke. Yay~~ songs like 'Nothing's going to change my love for you,' 'Eternal flame,' 'All out of Love' and all those songs that *I* like. *Yay*

Warm and fuzzy sort of stuff *winks*

Oh. On friday we didn't make it to Sugen's bday thing
Oh. On saturday we didn't make it to Tall Jen's thing either.

It's probably safe to add a foot note here. Less exposed.
People don't scroll down ne.
If you have scrolled down, I will reveal to you, I'm a bit upset.*nods* 不問為什麼; 我知道你不能也不想回答. 不過, 有時候我還是想聽到實話. 你還愛我嗎

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Yes another exciting day of THE most easily amused girl. Thank goodness I am home *rubs eye* mascara rubs all over *points* and yes that is how it's done.. for those who naturally go for the smoky kohl eye look.. Viola~ My brother just passed me a tissue! *laughs*

Today I woke up, and knowing I had been successful in prearranging my logistic and tactical activites for the day (that began at 1pm, so noon to be on time), I decided to snuggle with my cat pillow (Crooky) to ignore another bright but very cold morning. The phone rang and I give myself that slap to sound awake (well, no i did NOT slap myself, but you know what I mean), and after a 'Hellu' i heard this really chirpy happy and warming voice "HEY!~ LET'S GO EAT TAKOYAKI" *laughs*

*shakes head* Morning people.
But that was the start to a fine day, though very little happened. I guess that in itself makes small ordinary events all the more happier and significant. *nods* no pressure. no stress. no break-outs. the marc jacobs fragrance never felt better, the air cleaner, the step out the door never more welcoming. Happiest day in 2005 so far~ and.. it was so unextraordinary. It's probably my mood swinging back to normal - too tired to even stay moody.. tsk tsk. Hai~ It was a smooth day, if slightly not used to maximum capacity and efficiency. but my timetabling is so.. catering for contingencies that have not occured much to my disappointment.

TONIKAKUuu~ I found out - I eat a lot.
This packet of m&ms don't count. my sister gave them to me.
Takoyaki and teriyaki tofu is excellent as always at the jap place that sits 12 and has a staff of 5... yum yum.. seriously.. teriyaki tofu is new official favourite. So now you know what is a good peace offering ne.. *laughs*

Yes. see you soon~~ *winks* *skips away*

*skips back* Oh and the reason this post is titled mac is because my sister got a 15" ibook.. *cries* I want.. a 15" powerbook.. *laughs*.. no. But like I said to mike I have zero reasons to like PCs and one reason to love macs. Ta da~ macs win.. Oooh ooh~ and Jade told me her friends thought Apple only made iPods.. *laughs* see I don't get those jokes about mac when PC users can be even more 'less-bright'. but no, PCs are fine.. I use them..

I've been thinking about the donkey sanctuary too lately. mm. *waves*

This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from pinkjoisu. Make your own badge here.


Originally uploaded by pinkjoisu.
ahhh. i am terrible with loading photos. this photo was one i took of myself when i woke up too late to meet Jo and lily. Notice the summer gear - so it's a photo from Germany.

I've been told i look better like mess than i do when awake. and that's from family - so it must be true.

anyhow, for your amusement. *winks*

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Anna has issues with certain lingerie exhibits that women can make themselves the butt of (excuse the pun). *laugh* and I couldn't agree more! but having said that... I really can't comment can I? I'm sure I have unwittingly been in a similar position. I have been informed by a bra-fitter that the lifetime of one lingerie item is 3 months. mmm. Yes I notice how things stretch. Particularly over the shoulder straps!~ gah~~* and particularly frenchies. Buu~*

I've said it once, I'll say it again, good ol' Bonds. *nods* I like those soft cotton tshirts too~ they're lovely.

Nonetheless, i apologise if you have tried to reach me and have been unsuccessful. If it is any comfort to you, missed calls on my mobile is playing with my mind!~ *cries* I don't have voicemail for a reason, the number of people pausing and hanging up plays with my mind worse!

1730: 1st missed call: if it's important they'll call back
1830: 2nd missed call: oh okay. oops
1930: 3rd missed call: (o_0) ~ what could it be? who could it be? why did they call? did they call before? why did they call before? who is it anyway? is it important? It's probably important..?
2030: Awaiting call. whhhaaaa.. they not call back buuUUuUuUuuuuuuuu~ *sniff*

Third day in a row. If this happens again I can only explain this by personifying the phenomenon and calling them 'my dear telemarketer friend in Delhi..'

Don't play with my mind ne~ ta ta *waves*

Sunday, August 07, 2005


We have a new fish tank...

(aside) poor veebs

(second aside) I love the new Carlton Draught "Big ad!".

It's brilliant!! Going to have to buy some Carlton refreshments for party in end of August!

*nods**thumbs up*


ooh i can hear birds coo-ing.

At pat's thingo I had a moodswing. I won't even try to explain it. I'm having one of those moments where the less significant just faded and I've been exposed to the floating issues that cause unease. Otherwise tonight was a good night out. Dinner - Coffee - Singing - Coffee - Home.

Went through the motions of being lively, serious, playful, thoughtful, teary, bitchy, teary, thoughtful, happy, happy. *winks* Oh, and I love just being a girl and driving slightly dodgily. *laughs* Not that I drive dodgily, but other cars leave more room for me to do U-turns etc.. not necessarily, if they wish.

So at around 2am, me and Holly managed to get to Pancakes and covered those floating issues which were knowingly going to make us sad or disappointed or outraged or happy or gushy *nods*. With some topics, it's all predictable and we tend to think to be logically reasonable (indeed they are!! no doubt about it whatsoever!!) but we agreed, attitudes can differ but largely each to their own and la di da. So I can't help it if we don't agree. And the other hurtful thing is that sometimes we know there is no point being nice, but we're not cool-hearted enough to react in angry PMS ultimatums. *laughs* though i have exceptions to that statement, let's just go with it for now..

To close off this post for this moment, we realised after having recounted previous night at verandah with several people, apparently, we were being checked out by Girls! *silence* *laughs* *shakes head*

It's winter and cold. Sydney nights are tame and mild-mild.

additional explanations

Re: About Sunday 12am - 4am

12am: We were still singing. Or really we were trying to but Mike gets up and down walking around 3 times in one song. Buu~. Everytime Mike gets up we yell at him and he seems to pause, unable to decide which way to go. He screams out his apologies to the room 3 or 4 times in a non-apologetic manner pretty much drowning out the room which is pretty much in chaos.

There was one moment where I remember glancing longingly at the other side of room which was momentarily abandoned. It looked comfortable and quiet AND where the there weren't peanuts and cheezels everywhere. Look at us: Chen and Mike squabbling, Look over there, Phil looking thoughtful. Look at us: Ooh, our song and we're pretty much croaking by now.

1am: The music stopped after Holly's Elva song and no one seemed to notice. *shakes head* We start standing up and the I see Pat say 'ooh that's mine' and grabs a Jim beam and puts it in his pocket. *laughs*. We all decided to head to the bathroom which was closed for cleaning and so the poor boy had to fend off our girls. So we pretty much sealed off the corridor. I think Holly had laughed at my lack of direction before, and it's true! but those corridors with no characteristic doors or anything.. yada, it's not all my fault ne.

Ok so there we were all clustered around the sinks and basically wailing and talking very loudly. Funny how the boys looked in to greet us. See, I never really realised what was so important about having two doors to go through to get to the bathroom. *ahh* now I can sort of see the point.

1:20: Now the most popular stop for me and holly is GJs at Galleries. We decided to go there and we were going to when Holly realised we were meant to wait fot Tessa. Me and Jim sat on some steps somewhere looking like hobos. When our merry bunch arrived at destination, It was unceremoniously closed. Buu~ so then our group basically in a semi-lost state of mind were split at 3 different corners of the intersection. Because there were 12 of us, and Tessa was going to have coffee, I thought I'd first go fetch my car.

Tessa, Holly and Mike rang me when I went to do this in that sequence, and each sounded a bit more lost that the previous caller *laughs* Oh dear. So then I'm driving along basically and I managed to do one of those tyre screeching turns a block away from them. Getting there all I see is holly, mike and howard. then I double parked and went to see what they were doing…

1:30 Holly and I drive to the Rocks.. i sent messages to Tessa and Mike and Mike *replied* though he may not remember it.. And me and holly basically teary eyed over-ordered on pancakes..

3am-ish: We're cheerful again and Holly clicking her fingers and over-energetic waving to the waitress may have unnerved the waitress a bit. *laughs* Yes, we felt wrongfully ignored. Then later towards 4am the waitresses come over automatically to check on us.. heehee.

*peace* *cheesy grin*

Saturday, August 06, 2005


Happy Birthday (again) Patty.

Friday. To sum up, I got to class on time with my hazelnut latte. Met Holly, Warner, Dianna, Caz, Margie, Marcus, Bonnie and Andrew for dinner in Macchiato. Just as an aside, it's a normal place to eat. Not impressive. Maybe I should have gotten a woodfire pizza though. mm.

Then, although Holly had told Jim that we would get there around 2230hr, he called twice to chase us up. Anna (with Pat's voice in background?) called also. So then We decided we ought to skiddaddle there lu~ (stopping at GJs on the way) [it was a cold]..

Summing up the evening.
* Sorry to the people I greeted with an extra-exuberant *whack*..
* Oh My~ muscles ached from the hyper dancing although some of the music wasn't that inspiring.
* Got crazily glazed/happy (not as much as Holly.. yahaha)
* There was a Miss Asia contest.. if Nat or Ya got up there, they'd all cry and go home.
* Then the host guy threw out some freebies and Brett got a pair of 'Baby Phat' pants.. *laughs heartily*.. I think he said he was going to wear them at home... he may discover the pants are quite feminine.. *shh*
* Then we danced more. Falling off the stage became a real real foreseeable and non-fanciful possibility.
* Then i got tired.
* Then Anna, Jim and I travelled 250 metres and decided we be hungryyy
* We stoped a Maccas.
* Mike and Howard spotted us. *sprung!*
* So we all at maccas. mm. Fish fillet burger was ..warm.. Then I bought some nuggets and Anna, Jim and me were puffing out hot steam from them. Ha Ha. *omoshiroi na~*
* Anna drove me home. *yay*

Tonight it's Patty's Partai No.2 - *winks*


Thursday, August 04, 2005


'Cheerful~ - but inconsolable.'
Yada~, it's 'Cheerful~ but nearly inconsolable'~
Warning: Increased likelihood of tear spillage. Okay. I think it comes with the fact that snoozes have diminished and are few and far between. *sniffs* Hey, I'm like a Krispy Kreme~ Hyper-sweet or glacéd or sickly..?

glacéd glacéd glacéd lu lu lu

Of late there have been ponderings over hazelnut lattes.. (no not frangelico) and I was thinking about some negative things. I guess I cannot even defend myself by saying I'm 'thinking' but more appropriately 'imagining' - but then that word connotes the likelihood that I am incorrect if not outrightly 'wrong' when I can only be allegedly wrong *winks*

Okay so there I was with my alleged incorrect musings. And yet no one has alleged they are incorrect ey..

Okay so there I was with my unchallenged musings becoming slightly confused and unhappy. Then i got on a bus and fell asleep. Then I woke up and realised I was running slightly not-on-time.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

99% cocoa

what possessed me to buy 99% cocoa chocolate? The only thing that is good for it is sprinkling on pavlova or something!
*reaches for star shaped marshmellows*

Re: Germany
I've been told I really haven't talked about Germany with adequate or relevant depth. So I will now take a moment to think beyond the squirrels, the bread, the salads, the university and see how my memory works. (We can see that animals, hunger and rituals are things that are basic things for me. Now that I've got a moment, let me think..)

BUT!! FIRSTLY, i want to mention that I was thinking in the lecture today, eyes closed, comatose.. okay, bordering on a fully-fledged daydream and sinking in my seat when peter unprovokedly half shook me!! Buu!! He did that twice!! Whyy... (*laughs*) Don't get me wrong, I don't usually do that in class! Except, quoting Isabelle "The lecturer's voice was so soothing" (*laughs*)

Okay - Germany

I thought their urban scene was relatively quiet. Wandering through the wine festival was bubbly in an enclosed space, shopping around in the fussgangerzones around and seeing a lot of people, the sound always occurred to me as being slightly muted. We even witnessed a Turkish demonstration for something but their calls to action also seemed perhaps dulled, not a riot at all. Perhaps that is because Germans are earthy, reserved, polite and friendly. There was an intoxicated elderly man in Dammtor station that time and called out to us 'Korean!' and i said 'Nein', he replied 'Entshuldigung'. Really, even China Lounge (the club I went to in the Red Light District) was relatively tame. It had 3 floors, each quite small. Think Jacksons but as a club with line of people there.)

Our class went on trips to the Town Hall (rathaus), the International Court of the Sea, the Civil Courts of Justice and Luneburg. Luneburg was a wealthy salt mining city and it's wealth bought it out from being ransacked during a lot of wars. It was also the only city in Germany to be untouched by either world wars. In the past, Luneburg, Lubeck and Hamburg were the reknowned cities because of their access to trade. So that was a place with lovely old buildings. I was concerned about those ones which had plants growing between their outer wall and the footpath (there is no strip of garden - flowers just sprout between the bricks. hmm) There is a depression in in fifth of the town due to the taking of salt water and boiling it to create their salt business. Their town hall was also really nice. It was a structure kept since the 16th century (approx could be older - you can tell i don't remember). They just kept adding walls on. So there are paintings and architecture inspired by each of the styles. Byzantine, gothic, rennaisance.. some pictures in the rooms took the lifetimes of 2 artists to complete. I make a note that I need to see the sixteenth chapel and Michaelangelos roof which is curved up in the distance and yet painted such that the portrait appears as if painted on flat paper..)

Hamburg on Sundays: there is a fishmarkt which is open from 5am to 11am. A place that is traditionally the stop for people hungover and still merry from their Saturday activities. I didn't attend any of these sundays, Hamburg also had many churches. Apart from St Michelis, I liked the church in Eppendorf. In fact I did like Eppendorf because it was just a boulevard of terrace shops. They were white and sold a range of overpriced goods. Again a quiet place, pleasant in the sun. I did buy Guerlain eye shadow/kohl thing which is really cool! It's in DJs - check it out. metallic eye shadow you can make into watercolour. Well for my amusement ne. And it was half the price you can get it here ..

The places I became quickly familiar with in Hamburg was basically it's city centre. Rathaus markt, Jungfernstieg, Ganzemarkt, Hauptbahnhof (of course) were all within walking distance (5 minutes between etc). Their Alster lake is nice. They have a sprouting fountain thing like Canberra - that is all I have to say about that.

I enjoyed my time there very much.

Meanwhile - back to this moment!

I'm tired lu~~ static timetable disallows me to pace myself.

Loksee (and Holly) berated me the other day for always claiming I don't have friends at UTS. (*laughs*) Sorry - it's not because you don't register as a friend it's more UTS doesn't appear relevant when I waffle away with you guys! (you know who you are). When I think of UTS, I think of the Tower... and I think of youuu, I don't think of the Tower.. Yuhhuh I can see the Tower from my room! *points*

Meant to be around there at 9am tomorrow. I said that on Sunday night and I made it there at 10:30. Shopping (browsing) a range of wares tomorrow arvo with Holly tomorrow.

Hope Anna gets well soon.

And happy birthday to my sister , Gabe and Pat.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Spring 2005

YADA! Another semester begins in 8 hours. I am hoping my timetable is one of those magic squares where you just have two more twists to get it right and then maybe something magical will happen.

Anticipating such magic in advance,the plan is to go to Verandah on Friday - then following Monday, I want to go yum cha/trolley chasing again. Really, I'm craving those staple foods. In Germany I ate a lot of salad which was absolutely delicious and fine also, just compare it to sauerkraut, and yes then I will return to salads etc after.

Saturday was mild-mild, which was excellent. mike, wen, tall-pete, warner and holz (chotto osoi ne~) came to witness some of my domestic ramblings to self. I made vodka take on a physical form! - by infusing it in strawberries. *laughs* Will not do it again. Honest. Then Gabe, though seized by illness, graced us with his presence and we went to the Rocks. Well he wasn't exactly seized by illness as if near rigor mortis but yes poor gabe. (makes those who didn't come appear extra guilty~*)

To keep a long post considerably shorter, I learned a lot. Sour Apple schnapps shots are very nice. People have crazy fetishes. Tian and Mike want to be escorts in their next life.

ta ta~ *waves*